I don't understand how the wolf ml fell in love when the first time they met was literally at a rest room. I'm supposed to believe he fell in love after seeing the fox dude getting it on in a club restroom??? Sir, you have a great job which I'm sure pays you well, how about you buy yourself some standards please?
Why is everyone acting like teenage girls and not mature grown men? Seriously, no one seems to be acting their age. There's the step bro who casually visits just to bully them and teases the glasses guy about his unrequited love. Then there's the glasses guy who is supposed to be the "level-headed one" in the group but proceeds to commit sexual assault after a bit of goading like wtf??? Honestly, no one in this story is written like a normal person. Best of all is the wolf alpha dude. What "elite businessman Team Lead in a successful firm" goes out clubbing on a weeknight!?? Please