The senpai was such an asshole and the ending doesn't make up for it at all. Even if he assumed the uke was more experienced than him in sex, that doesn't mean that he didn't require some affection? I mean he literally told him he had a one-sided crush on him since middle-school, obviously that means he wanted an actual romantic relationship.
Ugh, I really didn't like it.

I really like this manga,it's kind of innovative in a way (even though step brothers forbidden love is nothing new)
In the latest chapter I thought that the teacher and the friend appearance was a bit forced? I don't know it felt to me like pure fanservice ("oh let's make a total crossover") and made little sense. Since when does the teacher care so much about the main character? It would have been totally fine if they left after seeing the kiss and the bro explaining that it's mutual but what followed was unnecessary imo. (Anyway it's not like I hated either, I just thought it was a little out of place)

I cannot get over this rimming scene. I just love rimming in gay porn/yaoi, but well-timed rimming and here the timing is just perfect and we could all tell judging by his expression moments before that Doumeki was just really hungry for dat ass. So yummy.
I hope Yashiro will also rim Doumeki when they get together, I really want to see him moan (and it will actually be his first received rimjob probably, Doumeki's rimming virginity <3)

What is up with a lot of people complaining about the complexity of the manga?
Oh you can't remember the characters' names? -> How about actually paying attention to the story then?
Ah, you want them to have sex already? --> I'm sure you can find your fair share of stupid yaoi manga with no character development or plot whatsoever.
I understand that this is not everyone's cup of tea, fair enough, you're free to dislike of course. But it seems like people are rather being very immature and that annoys me. Yoneda Kou created a quite complex (but not the point that no one can understand it) story that goes way beyond typical yaoi tropes, just deal with it and stop plaguing the comments section with your whining.

I 100% agree! There are hardly yaoi mangas that are hot as hell and ALSO do have an interesting story. That's the reason I love this one so much! Be happy and enjoy!

Absolutely agree. I've read many a yaoi manga where the storyline was hard to follow due to poor writing but this is not one of them, not to mention the ones that have a million characters that all look the same. This manga has lots of very distinct characters. It's complex but it sure as heck isn't hard to follow. Even if you can't keep track of the names you can clearly tell who's involved with what, who's scheming etc. I don't know all the inner workings of the yakuza but I can still follow along pretty well.
I was re-reading this for the 100th time and I noticed that when his wife confronts him in flashbacks the hidden magazine she discovered actually feature what seem to be children/teenagers on the cover. I mean it was already more than implied with him trying to rape his student but it's actually 100% canon that the teacher is a pedophile. Now I wish he wasn't portrayed as a repressed homosexual, the confusion between pedo and homosexual needs to END. He might be both but his being a pedophile is absolutely condemnable and I don't appreciate the mangaka portraying him as kind of a vitim when he's done nothing to get help.
I think the mangaka was trying to portray that, because he never got to fully accept his homosexuality when he realized it when he was younger, he grew up wishing to go back to the time when he was with that male classmate that he loved. Now, attacking a young boy is still a problem, but I truly think he has these feelings because he is trying to recapture his past that he missed out on. And although pedophilia is terrible, some people who know they are attracted that why want to help themselves but they can't, there are support groups for that, it is not like attraction is a choice really.
I dont think that he is a pedophile in literal way. Like, what I heard that you are considered as pedophilic if you only interested in under 12 or 9 years old children (I kinda forgot). So technically he is not a pedophile but child molester
The teacher was not a pedophile because he was not into prepubescent children; however, he was without a doubt a potential rapist.
I said he was a pedo because of the cover of the magazines his wife found. The first cover especially, it definitely looks like a child is posing.