Never felt like soo-young before but I can still understand him. His whole life has been fucked up so no surprise he’s trying to deal with it an unhealthy manner. He needs lots of hugs and therapy dude.
How do I feel about Tae-seung? That man also had a fucked up life so no wonder he ended up fucked in the head. If it was real life I would most definitely not be rooting for them, but at this point I want him to absolutely worship the ground Soo-young walks on and be grateful to be breathing the same air as him. Kinda like the mpreg side story lol. I hope they can help each other out with their respective issues…

At this point idk if it’s good or not. Clearly the drama is supposed to be messy here, and the art and writing is decent I guess, but what is the PURPOSE?! I don’t get it man. They’re always talking about being «stringed along» well at this rate IM THE ONE BEING STRINGED ALONG. What the hell is up with Jaehyun man, he needs to get his shit together. And why is older sis so upset with her lil’ bro when he really just tried to help, author doesn’t even show what else he did besides accidentally starting a rumour (really it was the other guy who was kinda dating her who spread the rumour without even talking to her about it first…) if anything she should be upset with her PARENTS because they’re the ones clearly treating their children differently. I have siblings myself and the whole dynamic between them is SO WEIRDDDDD. (Best part about having a sibling is complaining about your parents to each other lmao) Why not deal with it if you have to face each other all the time?? At least establish a truce or smth so that it doesn’t affect their social life like it has been. The whole thing is just incredibly infuriating because I cannot choose which character to root for. Which I guess is kinda the point?? And why the hell is Woowon the one closest to a happy ending when he’s a piece of shit who literally raped Jaehyun?? HUH?!? To me, from the perspective of lil’ bro it seems he’s the least… worst?? And Hyo-girl (sorry I’m really bad with names) doesn’t seem thaaaaat bad she’s just really desperate for that pussy lol
Anyway, I’ve come this far so I guess I’ll finish, it’s literally kept me up all night because I really thought they’d solve this situation between them. But basically, they’re all just different degrees of bad people, some of them are definitely worse than others….

Ok what the hell was even that. Am I supposed to feel sorry for Jaehyun now?? Dude was so hard to read the entire time I STILL HAVE NO CLUE WHAT HE WANTED?!? Someone help me, am I stupid?? What was the point?? Who is the villain here actually? Is Jaehyun the victim?? Dude was stringing along EVERYONE and ofc that doesn’t mean he deserves to be harassed or raped, but was he though?? I fr thought he was into it. Why DID he follow big sis that night of the trip?? He was gonna fuck her and from what I understood he was gonna fuck lil’ bro too after confessing or smth idk. So he literally fucked both of them just like (I think??) he wanted?? What’s he upset for?? And is he really just gonna brush over it and pretend that whole ass mess didn’t happen?? He’s an asshole regardless for the way he treats people. I’m confused and angry dude. I wasted my time on this shit. I don’t care about happy endings, but I wanted an ending THAT MADE SENSE AT LEAST?!


Male Birth Control Pills do exist but due to a multitude of factors, they aren't safe nor promoted.
1. Males can't get pregnant so the likelihood of them using contraceptive is significantly lower than a Female.
2. Their is a lack of funding for male birth control pills. (Patriarchy? No Customer base? Who knows?)
3. As far as I know some pills have caused liver failure etc.
4. A female ovulates 1 egg a month and has a set number of eggs. It is easier to stop the ovulation process in a female as her body has the existing mechanisms to do so. For a male, it is more complicated as his sperms are constantly being produced. What you are aiming for in males is the reduction of sperm when you make that pill. They tried this way back in the 50s and found that the enzymes involved in sperm production are also involved in other chemical reactions that happen in the liver.
5. There is supposedly tests going on for an injection(?) That will halt sperm production and lasts for 1 year. It's reversible supposedly and safe.

I’ll admit I’ve read a lot of yaoi in my days, but I’m just tired of this non-consensual stuff. Cover looks awesome and I read until ch. 15. I hope the ML will change his way of thinking and feel extremely sorry for all the disgusting thoughts and actions he’s performing. But I guess that’s unlikely…

I’ve noticed people have the same concerns as me about the seme simply seeming too good to be true and it’s probably because yaoi usually doesn’t give us this level of consent and care from the get-go ┗( T﹏T )┛
No hate towards yaoi in general cuz there’s a reason I’ve been reading it for years... but it’s funny to me when something as basic as consent is too good to be true ahhahahah
…how DID he fit that thing in his breast pocket lmao