When he is non existent and fictional I find it so cute
Romance is romance, as long as it is well written it doesn't matter who the main couple is. I feel like people who have a sudden change in response to heterosexual romance is that you're suddenly in a new habit of something else and once you go back to the old thing, it seems bad or you only remember the worser things, when the things you are curr......
guy gets his ankles fucked up by some guy with really bad eye bags who thinks the other guy looks like his mother
You're right. You are a disgusting person for posting this shit and have some serious mental issue.
Move to 4chan with your misogynistic bullsh!t. We don't need or want your stupid opinion.
i swear i always see these kinds of questions. for example 'ughh daddy im prepared, please put ur fat cock in my hole!' um dont yall feel embarrassed writing that like just imagine a ghost beside you, seeing you type that and they be like 'the fuck is wrong with this person'
Most recent regret