In a world where vampires exist, a special undercover agency keeps the rest of society safe by hunti...
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Joo Yeomin, a diligent college student burdened by an unjust debt, struggles to make ends meet throu...
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Hillbilly-CEO with Zero (0) fashion sense X Bamboo-rat-turned-Mukbang-streamer. Even though he'...
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"When sunbae drinks my blood... I get this weird feeling."Jiwon tried to offer his blood t...
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Yohan, one day, after two months of making a living by cleaning the bathroom at the hotel, his super...
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“How about we start with being play partners?”Hwayoung, the third son of the Yoon Clan, ...
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Yiyoung is building a startup with his college friends. They get a chance to present their proposal ...
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When a gentle giant meets a small ball of energy, only love can bloom. A sweet love story about the ...
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A dessert given by the director, whom I met on a bad day. It was so sweet that I licked the cream of...
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rom tteokki-doki:He graduated early from the science department, acquired his PhD at a record speed,...
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Choi Jung, a veterinarian, opens his dream animal hospital. “… Am I dreaming now?&rdquo...
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A third generation chaebol with a handsome appearance that makes everyone look back, Do Hajoon, my c...
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