So her sister died now shes a pedo?
Pedophilia is actually a psychological problem, and it isn’t natural. There is evidence that early life experiences, including trauma, abuse, or neglect, may contribute to the development of pedophilic tendencies in some individuals, including poor or disrupted early bonding with caregivers (which may have, kind of, been her sister) that could potentially impact sexual and emotional development.
In this story, I believe the nurse was already born unstable with some kind of mental illness, and the death of her sister further pushed her off the edge. The idea of revenge is, possibly, her own way of justifying her actions to avoid feeling guilty.
It’s a great story, showing the thinking of such an individual. Makes you wonder how deeply messed up human psychology can get, it’s curious to think about the various possibilities of brain structures ( ̄∇ ̄") biology ain’t perfect!
Why is the bully assaulting her when she didn’t even say nothing bad ??