Langria March 7, 2025 4:15 am

marinated for 3 years... this is so peak ate it up in 2 hours

Langria March 4, 2025 10:36 am

at first the premise sounded interesting— a spirit mage reincarnating into earth and adapting.

but then it quickly grew stale. there's a huge power creep with her being the only spirit mage and each spirit being strong (plus able to solo A rank bosses).

on top of that, each characters interactions feel forced. the redhead hyper focused on "fighting strong opponents", the blonde caring deeply for someone he met 3 times, and all of them coincidentally meeting her every other day. plus the mc being nice to strangers but negligent towards the spirits (and the spirits just take it).

in my opinion, the story is really lackluster and is devoid of plot. i can kinda assume: later she'll get more element spirits like earth then maybe lightning; the reason she doesn't want attention is because of trauma from past life where too much fame made expectations high and then the populace blamed her for not being able to save everyone; which is also why she doesn't contract with the spirits bc once she has power she'll have responsibility; there's an increase in gates and outbreaks > she steps up and secretly clears gates by herself > the 3 mls get suspicious > she gives some basic excuse > they think eh yeah no way - over and over

to be fair, it is marked shoujo and slice of life so it's somewhat expected. for ppl new to the genre, it might be nice. by all means if you enjoy it, continue to read!! this is just my opinion on it as a piece of writing

Langria March 3, 2025 9:29 am

i binged this after leaving it in my want-to-read list for 4 years and wow it's great;

the story felt pretty fluid and never overbearing/ no arcs were excessively drawn out. i am a little surprised that the event with the king was handled that quickly and without interference— though to be fair the prince and duke were trusted individuals so perhaps they could've dismissed the people in the area

i did guess about the prince's backstory but dang that was executed nicely for his "reasoning" behind his actions; and i am definitely surprised the author didn't pull the regular trope where "ml who hurt fl realizes his mistake after it's gone too far but fl just forgives him because she still loves him"
his character development and choosing to respect rael's space by letting go was scrumptious but also saddening; definitely more striking that the author did this rather than just writing him off as some irredeemable trash

i felt that this story was the first in a while where each character was written beautifully well (acts within their personality and backstory) (esp rael)

Langria January 25, 2025 8:21 pm

so ironic they named themselves robinhood and then pull this shit LOL self-important and greedy

Langria September 30, 2023 1:56 am

so promising; no cheat skills and it doesnt look like there will be any but still she plays a huge/important role behind the scenes

Langria July 26, 2023 11:10 pm

manga is looking alright so far; i like this type of trope but hmm... ¯_(ツ)_/¯ their call-to-action time feels delayed and the romance feels a little unnecessary/forced

one thing i definitely dislike though is the common cliche:
mc talks to or saves another girl > the girl looks at him kindly > FL (that mc isnt dating) gets pouty and goes "ur quite friendly with her hmph"

Langria July 23, 2023 4:03 am


and the plot?!!?! jesus, everything has an explanation and its all coming together

Langria July 19, 2023 10:07 pm

doesnt seem too bad but kinda cliche
all the action scenes are predictable since its just fight monster > win overwhelmingly > get some of his original power back

i feel like this would be better if it had some sort of uniqueness to the plot, like the mc being childish or dumb (since he has the education of a middle schooler); or anything really

overall its alright; i like this trope but with how many ive read so far, this just feels like another copy paste with the typical
'my family was caring for me while i was a veggie, im op, i pop off in hunter exam, i save the op girl, everyone wants to recruit me, theres an evil guy who has ties with the devil, i beat them up, i protect the world'

    ⭐may July 25, 2023 12:07 pm

    You got it right before I even reach ch10 I know someone is going to appear and have ties with the devil

    anabonnana January 14, 2024 1:16 pm

    But how will he be childish if he's been in hell for 80 years? He's not gonna have the innocence of a normal middle schooler.

    Langria May 22, 2024 8:53 pm
    But how will he be childish if he's been in hell for 80 years? He's not gonna have the innocence of a normal middle schooler. anabonnana

    i havent read the manga since a year ago so im not sure how it developed but when i wrote this, i meant childish in the sense that he lacked social interaction; just an example of a unique characteristic ^^

Langria August 7, 2023 2:07 am

the demeanor and steadfast morals of the mc make this manga unique and funny LOL

however, some people are accusing this manga of plagiarism; that would be unfortunate but i would suggest at least mentioning what manga its supposed to be plagiarizing?

of course, it could turn out that this manga WAS plagiarized-- im not defending this manga saying it wasnt

edit -----------
the anime its 'plagarizing': mushoku tensei (art similarities found in ch1)

Blue Line Studio claims they did not use AI to generate the images but instead to help with minor details; they removed all panels created with the help of AI and pledged to not use it again

personal opinion:
as a reader, im not someone who cares about creators using AI as a tool to help with their art-- since im just interested in the story.
however i definitely do understand how it can be frustrating for other creators who genuinely put in the time and effort to create their mangas and also for readers who buy merch/want to support their writers (without knowing they 'cheated' using AI)

Langria July 17, 2023 6:27 am

the plot is pretty good!! theres also no love interest if that bothers people. the girl in mc's party is a good person and isnt helpless

i feel like the ratings for this manga are only low because of chapters 4-8. there are duplicate chapters for those, one of which is translated poorly and the other is translated great. after those though, all the translations are good

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