Uke is pissing me off.

His attitude to everything is completely normal to me. His debt collector is trying to be nice all of a sudden, his “boyfriend” hit him for the first time, repeatedly rapes him even if they are in a relationship and makes him feel like he can’t do anything because of his leg, and he has no place to stay.

I don’t think he over reacted over the “rape” thing,
It’s just that he ignores people concerns and make things worst for himself. Like his employer who wanted him to rest, he threw a fit and left. His boyfriend wanted him to get better and offered to help with rehabilitation he threw another fucking fit, because he couldn’t accept himself. You say his boyfriend hits him, remember he hits the boyfriend multiple time before he finally snapped, people will at some point snap. His boyfriend was tryna understand why he keeps refusing him so much, because he thought they liked each other. He says people are judging him when most people wants to help him. Like the debt collector he wanted to clean him up and he jumped him cause he felt pitied.

Wait, his employer wasn’t telling him to rest he was telling him to go home and was fired. He offered to finish what he was working on but the employer told him not to worry about it.
He actually only hit Hyung once and that was after hyung raped him again (second time we’ve seen) and it was because Hyung basically called him a whore.
Hyungs not offering help, he’s trying to control him which is exemplified by his threats to further hurt him if he doesn’t agree to go back to Hyungs home and work with him instead.
Accepting Mafias Daddy would be weird too, since he doesnt really know him except as his boss and as someone who beat the shit out of him, molested him, and now has a huge debt over him.
I still totally respect your opinion I just wanted to clear up the details with the employer and Hyungs behavior.

He basically called the uke a whore hence why he hit him and the Hyung not only physically, but mentally abuses him. You say that he hit the boyfriend first but he repeatedly rapes him? Shouldn’t that have been the Ukes “snapping point?”The thing is the boyfriend is basically forcing him into a codependent toxic relationship and you can see it throughout the first couple of chapters where he tells the uke to call out for his help multiple times. With the rehabilitation you can already assume why the uke doesn’t want to accept because of the consistent asking for help and the hyung wanting the uke to stay codependent. That is not loving someone that you want them to get help. That’s obsession. That’s toxicity. And to the reason why he doesn't want the debt collectors help is because he doesn’t trust him. You can see when he calls him snake and to how all of a sudden he’s being nice now. Would you accept help from someone if they told you to sell their body to them or if they beat you up? No. I still think the uke should be acting as he is. It’s normal. It is hard to ask help and people calling others annoying or saying that they just feel pitiful is sad. A lot of people with disabilities do not want you to help beyond what they can do for themselves unless they ask you too. The reason he refuses is because he wants to learn and adjust to being dependent on his own. Also from the first chapter you can see that people clearly do pity him. From the guy at the gym telling him “it’s hard for me to see you this way” or multiple people telling him “im sorry” because they see his leg. People DO pity him and the uke sees it. Wouldn’t you be angry too if people pitied you all the time? Try to put yourself in his shoes. He has an abusive boyfriend that wants him to be dependent on him, everyone does in fact pity him, he can’t put his all into a sport he loves, someone who beat him up and wanted him to pay his debt using his body tries to help him, and his father figure is not supportive of his sexuality. And to add rehabilitation and surgery do help but it absolutely does not bring back a limb to its former glory and it’s forever changed. I broke a bone in my knee and it affected the way I ran. I can run for a little while but it hurts and get painful even though the doctor told me the bones fully healed. The doctor suggested that I not do the surgery for my knee because it could affect me being able to run normally at all. So yea, there is big risk factors in getting surgery on your legs.

Yes he was fired, the employer offered him unemployment until he found something better.
He hits his boyfriend multiple time before his boyfriend actually hits him back. He even said it. Y’all easily calling it rape and said his boyfriend called him a whore. If your boyfriend disappeared and then when you next find him he is with this other guy blushing, that wouldn’t annoy you huh? But he still did not call him a whore. Hyungs is not in anyway trying to control him, if he was The uke would have already been controlled. Hyung offered him a choice many times. I don’t agree with forcing him to live with him but I understand his frustration.
Accepting the mafia help to bandage up your face is weird, but jumping on him to sleep with him isn’t?

It doesn’t really show Suyeong not accepting the severance but I’m glad you understand Suyeong did not storm out, he was asked to leave. And he wasn’t asked to just rest, he was fired.
I’ve read the raws for this so many times (i found this a month before it began being translated again) and even Read these chapters again to be sure, this is the first time Suyeong has hit Jiseong. Even in the flashbacks, he pushes against him when he is forcing himself on him but Suyeong has never hit him before this. Could you point out where he had tho? Because I’m positive he hasn’t and violent movements in earlier chapters are actually Jiseong grabbing and pulling Suyeong.
You said Jiseong didn’t actually call him a “whore”. Even so saying asking him if he works for Park and then asking “Did you spread your legS for him [...]” isn’t essentially calling him a whore, then what is it?
And if threatening to hurt someone further if they do not accept their help, or actually if being this persistent and violent (with the rapes, because suyeong is saying to stop everytime) not an example of being controlling, what is it?
Idk if it helps but there’s more flashbacks of jiseong/hyung raping Suyeong while drunk and Suyeong asking him to stop because the smell reminds him of his father. There’s a lot of fucked up shit.
Also, to be honest, I’m a little worried that you’re trying to defend Jiseong hitting Suyeong. Yes Suyeong should not have hit Jiseong, Jiseong deserved it for fucking (raping) him without prep (if you w ever done that, it is seriously a full body hit of pain. Your body like, freaks out. It is awful. You can honestly feel that shit in your fingertips and toes, now great ). You can say Jiseongs punch was reactive, but he took a moment to hit him back. He also calmly turned the water off before grabbing Suyeong by the hair and threatened him with violence again and then tried to hit him again. Idk how you can defend that. They also appear more like exes the. Bf/bf still even so...jealously doesn’t justify abuse.
Dude, don’t justify abuse for fictional characters or real life, Im genuinely worried for you I’m not being facetious, if you’re ever in a situation like this don’t make excuses for an abuser.

Stop justifying the hyungs actions? He clearly said you spread your legs for him didn’t you? Does that not imply he’s basically calling the uke a whore or a slut? It pretty much is and I’d be offended too.
The Hyung rapes the uke multiple times before the uke even hits the hyung because he is TRYING TO GET AWAY FROM HIM in multiple occasions. We’ve only ever seen the uke truly hit the hyung ONCE not multiple times.
The hyung IS trying to control him. Even @DrowsyMamacita can see it. Reread chapter 10 again or just all of the chapters whole because you don’t understand and tell me you don’t see how obsessive he is. Clearly you don’t see how toxic the hyung is being and you’re defending a rapist and an abusers actions. The hyung clearly states he wants the uke to tell him he needs him and goes off beating the uke up. He wants the uke to be totally dependent on him and move back home and work with him. The hyung even says “what job could you be doing with that leg?” Would you not feel any emotion to your supposed lover saying that to you? That would make me feel that my lover thinks I can’t do anything which is how the hyung makes the uke feel.
Now is that someone who loves another person? Is that a normal response to seeing your lover cheating? That’s abuse. And the talk happens AFTER the hyung rapes the uke. And my boyfriend wouldn’t have disappeared due to me being emotionally abusive. If he did disappear and I caught him with someone else obviously I would want to talk and understand what happened. Not go and rape them, and then question whether they slept with them or not. Honestly that hyung deserves a slap to the face after all the raping, manipulating, and abusing he’s done.
And he can deny or accept wanting help from the mafia guy all he wants because he’s clearly got his choice too. He got the bandages clearly because he would need them anyway. He doesn’t need their help in anything he can do himself. I would want to get bandages from someone if I get hurt and I DO NOT need help from someone stepping into my personal issues when I can’t even trust them.
In the recent chapters you can see he’s given up on himself now after the hyung repeatedly beat him up and is giving into selling his body because he doesnt see his self worth anymore. Stop victim blaming the uke. This is why people are so afraid to come out of abusive relationships because they get blamed when none of it is their fault. The uke has the right to be pissed off at everyone all he wants or to accept/deny help at anyone.
If anyone is pissing me off it’s you not the uke.
What... The... Fuck was that?