HollowBrat's experience ( All 0 )

HollowBrat's answer ( All 28 )

about question
There's always that rumour that free iwatobi was supposed to be hardcore porn... I just wanna see it   2 reply
15 days
I love genuine critique and reading interesting debates in comments. Seems a lot of people just shout "I HATE THIS STUPID IDIOT" without any nuance or actually getting into the character, why they may be written like that and why they think the character acts out their stupid motivations. What really bothers me is when people say that a well writte......   1 reply
19 days
about question
Social media/messaging apps. I gave them up, I got a new number for one app and only one person messages me on there, I downloaded a separate app where a different perso messages me and then a third person texts me normally. Basically I am only in contact with 3 people. Humans were not meant to have constant and immediate connection to everyone th......   reply
20 days
about question
The fact that I said I'm gloomy and still got this shit is the story of my Robin Williams ass life.   reply
20 days
about question
Really thought ass would taste better. Now that was a total BUMmer   1 reply
26 days

HollowBrat's question ( All 0 )