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blueninja89 created a topic of Work Love Balance

I like this plot like I really do. But realistically they just wouldn’t work with this much of an age difference and extreme life experience and that’s reinforced by this latest chapter 19. Yiyoung would be extremely insecure having never been with anyone prior and his need to meet the standards of his much older partner would mean growing up faster than he needs to grow into himself and make the messy mistakes that actually come with his age and the growing pains of your twenties. Literally look at what’s happening with Sophie turner and Joe Jonas* for this very reason, I kind of wish we had a time skip with Yiyoung in his actual 30s before the two of them had become a thing but it is what it is. I still love this plot given how “healthy” compared anything else that’s come out lately, but it certainly isn’t realistic.

Edit: I believe Yiyoung has “dated” before but I don’t think he’s been physical with anyone before Daehyung likely