blueninja89 July 17, 2023 4:04 pm

Fucking weirdos the whole lot who love this plot.

blueninja89 July 16, 2023 1:19 am

They really don’t have much chemistry.

    Mmmm July 16, 2023 7:00 am

    I thought the uke is INFJ, the Seme is ENTP
    The are one of golden pair in mbti
    Just like usually other romance story who also have uke INFP and Seme ENTJ
    Is also golden pair in mbti
    It's opposite attract but they compliment each other, because other have what they lack from themselves

    lcgc July 17, 2023 11:03 am

    Fr lol
    Tho this story is way more refreshing to read cos the uke is not a real pushover and never gets dragged along with the seme's nonsensical antics. Having an uke blushing everytime they see their respective ml (seme) is starting to get tiring to read, so this one is a really good read for me (≧▽≦).。*♡

    blueninja89 July 17, 2023 2:09 pm
    Fr lolTho this story is way more refreshing to read cos the uke is not a real pushover and never gets dragged along with the seme's nonsensical antics. Having an uke blushing everytime they see their respective... lcgc

    I’d hold off on that assessment I’ve seen the raws and ML will in fact steamroll him eventually and our MC will just accept it. And will in fact follow the standard dynamic. I just don’t like the ML he’s extremely pushy and emotionally forceful later on but it’s framed as MC needed to change all along to find love, rather than just ML’s two faced and manipulative approach worked all along.

    lcgc July 17, 2023 6:36 pm
    I’d hold off on that assessment I’ve seen the raws and ML will in fact steamroll him eventually and our MC will just accept it. And will in fact follow the standard dynamic. I just don’t like the ML he’... blueninja89

    Gawdamnit-- naurrrrr ༎‿༎(个_个)
    Just when i thought i found a good one adjdlfjfkfkk... *casually jumps offa roof*

    blueninja89 July 17, 2023 6:39 pm
    Gawdamnit-- naurrrrr ༎‿༎(个_个)Just when i thought i found a good one adjdlfjfkfkk... *casually jumps offa roof* lcgc

    At this point I’m acknowledging you can’t have nice things if you decide to read Korean made BL it’s going to be a dumpster fire every time.

    blueninja89 July 17, 2023 6:42 pm
    At this point I’m acknowledging you can’t have nice things if you decide to read Korean made BL it’s going to be a dumpster fire every time. blueninja89

    Romanticizing toxic behavior in standard in their heterosexual content so I’d expect no less in their queer content targeted to their mostly heterosexual audience/ readers. If it’s not made by queer people or with their opinions in mind don’t expect anything worthwhile. Same is seen in western media.

    #1 haitham worshipper August 18, 2023 4:12 am
    Romanticizing toxic behavior in standard in their heterosexual content so I’d expect no less in their queer content targeted to their mostly heterosexual audience/ readers. If it’s not made by queer people... blueninja89

    THISSSSSS OMG +1+1+1+1

    Mess in distress November 23, 2023 7:14 pm
    Romanticizing toxic behavior in standard in their heterosexual content so I’d expect no less in their queer content targeted to their mostly heterosexual audience/ readers. If it’s not made by queer people... blueninja89


blueninja89 July 11, 2023 10:26 pm

Interesting this seems to be connected to “The eyes of sora” the author’s previous work. Wonder if all their stories take place in the same universe?

blueninja89 July 11, 2023 1:20 pm

God I wish Tou wouldn’t end up with Shizuka he’s just utter trash and so shallow but unfortunately I know that won’t happen. Tou has already dealt with so much clearly from a young age and he has to deal with this idiot on top of it.

blueninja89 July 11, 2023 3:07 am

That “friend” of his is a bad person

blueninja89 July 21, 2021 9:15 pm

It's funny how many essays out here rationalizing Dr. Han because we've been conditioned to accept the bare mininum of human decency. Dr. Han is not a good person. The author can redeem however they like and there are those who will readily accept it. But given how this character has been presented, his priorities, his actions, and lastly his rational he is not a good person. The end. Why he'll be reawarded in the end despite this all could be answered by the patriarchy, male privilege, society's forgiveness of "men with bright futures". Buy why he's rewarded today is because this genre has decided his happiness is more important than of those he's harmed and affected for the sake of a happy ending narrative we continue to force for the sake of our "perfect fantasies".

    Kittykat July 21, 2021 9:57 pm

    The main issue was that he's never had serious relationships. I don't think it actually said he's cheated and stuff (could be wrong) so that in itself is not that bad. The thing as a tutor, yes that was obviously not good however it up to them to decide if they can move past that. So I think your analysis of him is honestly way too harsh. It just seems like he didn't really know what love was and didn't understand what to do when someone loved him until now. Because only having casual relationships doesn't make you a bad person even if people get hurt because they fell for him.

    Kittykat July 21, 2021 9:59 pm

    Because other than not telling him about him being his tutor, he hasn't actually done anything wrong in his current relationship. He hasn't cheated or anything like that. He has just had a promiscuous past.

    blueninja89 July 21, 2021 10:12 pm
    Because other than not telling him about him being his tutor, he hasn't actually done anything wrong in his current relationship. He hasn't cheated or anything like that. He has just had a promiscuous past. Kittykat

    No one should care about his sexlife and this misdirection is actually getting quite annoying in how this justifies his behavior. His casual sex life is the low hanging fruit in this argument. It's his manipulation,gaslighting, and callousness that intersect with his casual sex life that is the issue. Seriously who cares if he fucks 1-200 people, what matters is his intentions have always been in his own self interest and others are justuseful as only necessary to pass his whims or current fancy. Having a threesome with people after you've already manipulate your patient who you already know and should be a conflict of interest nto being single by purposely giving wrong advice to ensure he's available for you to pursue not as a maybe but within the impression of a serious romantic relationship is scummy at the very least and disgusting to anyone with a moral compass.

    blueninja89 July 21, 2021 10:15 pm
    No one should care about his sexlife and this misdirection is actually getting quite annoying in how this justifies his behavior. His casual sex life is the low hanging fruit in this argument. It's his manipula... blueninja89

    It's not what's he's done before Hanghyuk it's what he's done parallel and specifically with Hanghyuk at various times in their now 6 years of knowing each other at this point that makes him a morally awful person. If you can accept thats fine, it's exhausting having to make excuses for shitty people but people do it everyday.

    Kittykat July 21, 2021 10:17 pm
    No one should care about his sexlife and this misdirection is actually getting quite annoying in how this justifies his behavior. His casual sex life is the low hanging fruit in this argument. It's his manipula... blueninja89

    Maybe I'm forgetting parts of the story but I really don't know where any of this is coming from? Idk, if you could actually say the plot points where these things happen

blueninja89 July 12, 2021 11:27 pm

I really like this plot but Yoon seul is just such a toxic person his whole thought process is awful and given how he's treated Joon with such selfish intentions hurting Joon in the process make me so sad for Joon, Joon really does deserve someone better. Sigh.

blueninja89 July 10, 2021 3:12 am

The blond's personality is so gross

blueninja89 July 9, 2021 7:38 pm

No if only he didnt actually end up in a relationship with his rapist which the plot will do regardless.

blueninja89 July 9, 2021 12:01 am

The enemies to lovers trope of let's fuck just because reasons, has to be most bizarre irrational reason for two people to fuck, when if you truly hated someone fucking them would be last thing on your mind.

    cobrakai1972 July 9, 2021 11:01 pm

    I dont think he necessarily hates him, just hates that he's inferior to him. like he said he has an inferiority complex that was "planted" by him. its like your significant other cheated on you so you hate on the person they cheated on you with but its not necessarily that you hate the person but you just hate that your lover cheated on you with them so you push that on to them instead of blaming your lover, you blame it on them. he was mad that he was always second place and his parents took that out on him so hatred grew in him and he just blamed it on the reiji for his inferiority complex. sorry for the long as paragraph LOL.

    cobrakai1972 July 9, 2021 11:01 pm
    I dont think he necessarily hates him, just hates that he's inferior to him. like he said he has an inferiority complex that was "planted" by him. its like your significant other cheated on you so you hate on t... cobrakai1972

    also very thin line between hate and love, sometimes that line is blurry, cliche ik lmaooo

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