blueninja89 July 15, 2018 9:58 pm

and no one thinks it's weird that the seme is obsessed to with the uke he had a one night stand to stalk him through his sister and assault every chance he gets to be alone with him. That's no even remotely flattering that's fucking creepy and gross. But of course it's in the name of love....

    Sachiko July 16, 2018 2:49 am

    Did you read the story at all? The sister was the one stalking him and she pressured him to go out with her. Thx.

    blueninja89 July 16, 2018 3:23 am

    You have to be kidding lmfao. You clearly haven't read the story then if the repeated times the uke has told his sister's "boyfriend" leave me th fuck alone and leave my sister whom you don't even like alone isn't blatant enough for you. Even if she has her own agenda as of now that creep only started dating her because she looked like her twin and then got lucky to use to his advantage. If your some fujoshi so irked by the presence of any female that could come between a relationship between men have with your interdicted misogyny. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

blueninja89 July 12, 2018 5:11 pm

I understand the whole issue with their fathers but SooWoon still suffered from Seokjo’s anger. In fact while SoonWoon’s father could be blamed for the ensuing actions that changed both SooWoon and Seokjo’s lives, Seokjo decision to confront SooWoon cost SooWoon his hand even with Seokjo later using the hammer to likely get the book shelf off of SooWoon. Seokjo had the intention to use that hammer for harm in his blind rage, though for whom is up for debate. SooWoon may be forgiving but Seokjo is in fact to blame for his own actions of pushing SooWoon even while accidentally. . That he then has amnesia to completely forget this father’s father death and the trauma of forever crippling his friend’s hand is a little too convenient for me as an excuse for him not to know the truth of the events that played out. He continues to be none the wiser and until SooWoon tells him otherwise it has no affect on him while SooWoon wallows in past memories. In fact SooWoon decision not to be truthful continues to not make any sense to me as it only continues to fester a blame that he had no part of and was a victim of his father’s cowardice and his best friend’s volatile emotions. I don’t know if he likes being a maschocist or a Martyr in order to be not be angered by what he’s suffered himself when in fact he’s a victim of cicrumstance. While SooWoon’s friend is nosey she’s entirely right in asking what purpose does it serve by SooWoon holding onto these secrets he’ll never get closure if he continues to do so and technically Seokjo won’t eirher even while ignorant of it. This does explain a little bit of Seokjo’s personality however as he inheritantly mistrust people and doesn’t get close to people hence his serial fuck buddies (sidenot I think he might have slept with the boss too it feels like). I really don’t know if SooWoon’s actions stem from his harbored crush or a sense of lost friendship too because that also complicates things.

    Sachiko July 27, 2018 8:01 am

    I should have read all the way to the bottom before voting. Just because someone internalizes guilt has nothing to do with masochism or martyrdom or any of the other things you mentioned. Internalized guilt is very common. And is a result of social pressures to make the victim feel responsible for the perpetrator's behavior. Putting the onus on the victim to then change that as well is nothing more than victim blaming.

    blueninja89 July 28, 2018 9:50 am
    I should have read all the way to the bottom before voting. Just because someone internalizes guilt has nothing to do with masochism or martyrdom or any of the other things you mentioned. Internalized guilt is ... Sachiko

    I think you've possibly misread what I had intended to say. My point was to indicate that SooWoon has internalized the victimhood that he has suffered, and while me implying that SooWoon needs to reveal the truth to Seokjo is not required of SooWoon the points remains why then rekindle a relationship with Seokjo at all then to stop it abruptly? The latest chapter where SooWoon now indicates that he no longer wants to continue to see Seokjo reinforces, SooWoon wishy washy stance on what it would mean to have Seokjo back in his life. The main issue as even SooWoon's best friends has indicated is SooWoon's indecisiveness, preventing him from having any sort of closure to his trauma. While it may come across as furthering victim blaming in your opinion, it's not that SooWoon is responsible for his perpetrator's behavior but rather he continues to give his perpetrator power over his life by his decision interact with Seokjo. Does SooWoon want to forget about his history with Seokjo or not, does he want to comes to peace with him or not, these are the questions that he needs to ask himself. Seokjo not knowing the truth in my opinion in general has many plotholes. He lives with his aunt and uncle and obviously knows about his father's death, but it's like the reasoning of his father's suicide along with SooWoon's involvement he's repressed. Yet SooWoon mentions in the flashback that this event later went to court due to his own's father's business's involvement. Would Seokjo not then know why his father committed suicide if the court-case's proceedings would have been public knowledge to his aunt/uncle -or even Seokjo- who would have relayed the information to their teenage nephew. Again there stand to reason many ways in which Seokjo could have been told the truth in some capacity, but the author as chosen the route of SooWoon being the barer of knowledge.With this in mind, SooWoon cannot escape the past literally due to his truth contained in his hands (immobile hand), while Seokjo never has to experience the trauma that lingers because of his "amnesia". At most SooWoon revealing to Seokjo the actual reasoning behind Seokjo's father death if it wasn't already known by now could be a double edged sword of sorts. Seokjo finally gets his own closure, but now carries the weight of his father's death in its full capacity, a burden SooWoon has held entirely up till now alone. Also SooWoon finally is able to share the burden of the past, but is also punishing Seokjo with the full truth. Either way SooWoon will likely go the route of continuing to hold himself responsible and not acknowledging Seokjo having done anything wrong in order to "forgive him" and likely later date him. With a situation like this, SooWoon dating Seokjo would actually be the worst outcome in real life simply because he would continue this internal victimhood in order to rationalize his feelings and actions. It's simply cognitive dissonance more than anything. It's not a question of SooWoon playing the victim or even looking down on him for it but rather its a role he's forced himself into due to the personality that he has and his actions. This is why, I don't tend to fall in love with amnesia plot-lined narratives like this, because the character that knows the truth tends be stuck between a rock and a hard place regardless of their decisions hence my comment of martyrdom. SooWoon keeps everything bottled up so he's never happy, and we are only ever truly responsible for our own happiness not that of others it's not a way to live your life.

blueninja89 July 9, 2018 6:27 pm

Literally are you fucking serious you’re going to starve yourself announcing on live tv so that it will gain kami’s Attention and he’ll likely come rushing back to take care of your selfish useless ass?! His mother is dying you selfish fuck, let Kami deal with that instead of some guy who barged his way into his home and has all but squated there ever since. Now you’re too apparently chicken to be honest with Kami too! I seriously get that Kami is timid due his circumstances and experiences and might need a push but if the author wants to make Kami have to deal with the reality of a dying parent, getting in a relationship should b far on his agenda right now. Why not unforttunately let her die and then come be kami’s Shoulder to cry on later not make everything about you. God his announcement made me so mad it’s like people who ask someone to marry them at sports games do you really need all that attention for something which people do regularly?! There are much better ways of declaring love without being a narcissist

    Anon a tree July 9, 2018 7:26 pm

    Have you read the next chapter to know he is doing this to get Kami's attention? His boss did threaten him to go on some sort of fast if he gained too much weight, and he has been eating a lot of Kami's cooking.

    lmaonade July 9, 2018 7:34 pm

    wow okay, I don't think the guy is going on a fast for attention. What I got was that now, he doesn't really feel like eating or can't enjoy his food anymore. It's kinda part of his character that affection and food goes together for him. You make it sound like he's doing this by choice, but I'm pretty sure he's genuilly miserable and have a hard time bringing himself to eat.
    Of course he can't do his job like that. And if he can't, of course they'll need him to at least make some annoucement about it.
    They can both have troubles, that affect them and their lives, at the same time. It's not about attention or who has it worse.
    Seriously, calm down, what the heck...

    Yona July 10, 2018 12:21 am

    Anon a tree has a part point but also mushycream369 mushycream explain everything from the book she even put the chapter and the page number in it if you still don’t understand what’s going on I will be gladly write the chapter and the page number it for you you shouldn’t be blaming Waki for stuff that like this his boss told him that he need to go to fasting if he gain more weight. Re-read the whole book if you don’t understand.

blueninja89 July 7, 2018 6:53 pm

glad they have their happy ending but honestly I did get annoyed a bit when Jaehee decided he could blame his cowardice on Yeonwoo towards Chapter 17-18. I mean you avidly avoided Yeonwoo, your friends, and your responsibilities so that nothing could move forward in your life that's completely on your hands. Plus you know how ignorant Yeonwoo is about interacting with others, while he wasn't completely honest he tried multiple times to talk to you which you ignored, so the whole issue could have been cleared up sooner had Jaehee not acted like your typical avoid all my responsibilities because life is hard character. At least Yeonwoo made more of an effort than you did, so blaming him is uncalled for.

blueninja89 July 6, 2018 3:14 pm

Honestly I dont even get the point of SooWoon constantly withholding info from Seokjo like what's the actual point. SooWoon won't let himself get into a relationship with Seokjo despite harboring feelings for the guy, but is trying to get close to the guy without having to expose himself as well by even not being properly friends either. Like what does SooWoon actually get out of this?

    elijah July 7, 2018 12:38 am

    Maybe he just wants to pretemd like nothing happened. Who knows? All we can do is imagine what we would do in his position. Tbh i would do what hes doing even though its stupid

    Tori July 7, 2018 9:50 am

    Guilty Pleasure

    Sachiko July 11, 2018 10:11 am

    Um the guy who accused you of knowing what your father did to his father is someone you want to tell the truth to? If he had done that, THAT would have been stupid. Ktbn

    blueninja89 July 11, 2018 6:12 pm
    Um the guy who accused you of knowing what your father did to his father is someone you want to tell the truth to? If he had done that, THAT would have been stupid. Ktbn Sachiko

    Well good on you for SPOILING everything. However my question is valid as SooWoon’s best friend asks the exact same thing minus the new information provided from the recent chapter.

blueninja89 July 6, 2018 3:07 pm

what the fuck is going on?

blueninja89 July 2, 2018 9:53 pm

i know this is harsh but after reading A Man Like You with a character like Siwon, i just had to role my eyes when Sunwoo Yeon was drugged like that. I mean you've been attacked multiple times, every times you to be careful and notify your manager of things, you even briefly thought wow this sounds like a bad idea maybe I should tell someone or bring someone with be just be safe. God I tire of utterly stupid cutesy characters and have no sympathy for them. I mean you're dumb as a rock if you've purposely allowed yourself to be a situation which time after time you can't be bothered to learn from.

    .MaximumMeow. July 2, 2018 11:15 pm

    I see people disliking your comment (dunno if it's on purpose,probably is..idk idc) but I totally agree. These types of characters get very careless. I understand it's a story and not real and whatever but it does get annoying. Him being a celebrity and with everything's tgat happen ed to him...HES GOTTA BE 1000 TIMES MORE CAUTIOUS!!! Fine. Don't tell ur manager but tell SOMEONE.

    blueninja89 July 3, 2018 1:30 am
    I see people disliking your comment (dunno if it's on purpose,probably is..idk idc) but I totally agree. These types of characters get very careless. I understand it's a story and not real and whatever but it d... .MaximumMeow.

    Exactly. I get the use of it for the plot but more and more authors are making charcters that behave impossibly like a thinking person, especially one who is a celebrity and has and knows the terror of not being cautious. Does it make sense to have the character repeatedly lack common sense? My suspension of disbelief only goes so high before it’s just stupidity. That’s really what irks me when people rely on the excuse of fiction, fiction relies on elements of reality. Human’s don’t have an imagination that magically creates things from
    nothing, we are physically incapable as our need to categorize
    and make pattern of things is inheritant. So then why make characters who seems to not be able to do so and have anthropomorphic qualities but give them something basic and clear reasoning?! It just makes my head hurt.

    blueninja89 July 3, 2018 1:49 am
    Exactly. I get the use of it for the plot but more and more authors are making charcters that behave impossibly like a thinking person, especially one who is a celebrity and has and knows the terror of not bein... blueninja89

    but not give them*

    SweetDreams July 3, 2018 7:48 am

    Totally agree but let’s hope the Mc reflects on what happened and doesn’t get dumber as the Mc of “a man like you” oh boy I gave up on reading that story.

    GayLion July 3, 2018 11:41 am
    Totally agree but let’s hope the Mc reflects on what happened and doesn’t get dumber as the Mc of “a man like you” oh boy I gave up on reading that story. SweetDreams

    I did too, I see it in my stream and I’m like, I liked this but stopped reading it for a reason, i will probably go back to it when it finishes just to see the end but idk cuz it got real dumb real fast

    GayLion July 3, 2018 11:44 am

    I actually thought when he looked at the tea that he would refuse it but nope. My hopes were dashed. I was so happy because I read another BL story and a similar thing happened but the mc refused the drink (which was in fact drugged) but was kidnapped anyway due to another circumstance. It’s still one of my favorites to this day just because the MC’s aren’t stupid and I can actually believe the story

blueninja89 July 2, 2018 8:20 pm

are they confusing hosts with escorts because from my understanding hosts aren't required to have sex or be intimate with their clients. But if it's a licensed sex work where there's the expectations of sex as one of the services then it's legal prostitution/escorting.

    krys_anne July 2, 2018 8:35 pm

    I think its more like MC is confused... ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    KuronNekoHideyuki July 2, 2018 10:03 pm

    Hi translator here! There is a fine line between the too and in this particular setting they are escorts with host background. Same with in real life if you go to a host club and you offer money for sex some of them might take it. However in this story the MC is working at a brothel.

    Kazenami July 3, 2018 7:48 pm
    Hi translator here! There is a fine line between the too and in this particular setting they are escorts with host background. Same with in real life if you go to a host club and you offer money for sex some of... KuronNekoHideyuki

    Oohh... Thanks for explain

    blueninja89 July 4, 2018 6:48 pm

    also how do you get downvotes for asking a question?I can't with people on this site.

    Hailey ^.^ July 12, 2018 5:30 am
    also how do you get downvotes for asking a question?I can't with people on this site. blueninja89

    How does the manga get low ratings for a lame title?I can’t with people on this site.

blueninja89 July 2, 2018 7:48 pm

damn the first time reading a story where the uke completely acknowledges they've fallen for a playboy and know the consequences will end badly. The seme is definitely going to cheat on him likely in the future you can just tell ( his i just have charm and go with the flow of being a homewrecker excuse nailed that; he takes pride in it as you can see) and that really sucks I REALLY hate the whole I love you and I continue to flaunt sleeping with other people in front of you. It might be different because the uke feelings were unknown but even had they been it highlights you really enjoy pleasure and momentary gratification. When you're not in a committed relationship you can sleep with anyone you want, but it somehow cheapens your feelings for the other party when later you reveal said feelings and had been pursuing others the entire time in front of your love interest's face with not even a hint of tactfulness. It really makes the other party feel uncertain about your definition of intimacy and especially how you'll be the sort to want be able have your cake and eat it too, meaning be a man of habit and enjoy the pleasure you've received till now. Actually have seen friends in similar situations and it always ends badly.

    Aurinne July 3, 2018 7:26 am

    Oh! You might be right, but I interpreted it differently. Well, I agree with most of what you say - I never like it in stories where the person is having flings right in front of the person they're supposed to be in love with. What I interpreted differently was that he could see it would end badly. He definitely thought that at first, but I thought that afterwards, although he hadn't built up the trust YET, he was willing to believe the other guy's sincerity and that trust might be built in the future. (And I felt that the line he said about not trusting him forever was more of a cheeky throwaway thought meaning that he intended to keep him by his side wooing him for life.) Maybe that was optimistic of me, but it makes me happier to go with an "it'll all turn out alright" interpretation, hehe.

    Himeowchama July 4, 2018 1:02 am
    Oh! You might be right, but I interpreted it differently. Well, I agree with most of what you say - I never like it in stories where the person is having flings right in front of the person they're supposed to ... Aurinne

    I kinda agree with you there lol it just shows how much of a good guy (and how whipped he is for his love sighhh) the uke is ( ̄∇ ̄") Tho we all know the seme's a good for nothing brat that'll probably cheat on the uke in the future. Can we at least I wanna see the seme gets dumped by the uke or smth sighhh ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

blueninja89 July 1, 2018 9:53 pm

i don't know why but i find this so funny. you meet a gigolo. you learn that you teach said gigolo's son. gigolo's son wants you to be his new second dad. ok sounds legit.

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