I’m tired of commenting on everyone else posts, so I’ll make my own. I’ll go through ever point I’ve seen, and explain why it’s incorrect. Match your point to mine to see an explanation.

“They’ve played multiple times before and did worse”
Yes, but consent does not carry. Especially in bdsm. Just because someone agreed once before, does not give their partner the right to their body indefinitely. In real bdsm, each play is discussed beforehand and is approved on by both parties. Clearly this didn’t happen, because chanwoo was shocked at md’s instructions.

“It’s bdsm they can be hit”
No. Bdsm is consensual, and chanwoo did not and can not consent.

“Why can’t he consent?”
He is shown several times to be mentally and emotionally incapable. Md choked him to see if he was capable of saying the safeword. It was confirmed that he couldn’t when he did not say it. Chanwoo is shown with a bruised face and repeatedly brushes off concern with “I’m fine”.

“He knows how md feels but he goes to the other guy anyways”
A person is never, ever obligated to return someone’s unrequited feelings. After md confessed, chanwoo politely refused And wished to keep a casual bdsm relationship. Because they stated beforehand that they want their bdsm and romantic lives separate, md’s feelings do not belong in their plays.

“How is he being manipulated? This is unrelated to their plays”
Yes, personal feelings should be left out of bdsm. MD knows that, but he puts them there anyways. Md also knows that chanwoo values him as a bdsm partner and as a friend, so when chanwoo attempted to introduce md to his boyfriend and he clearly was upset, no plays should’ve been initiated until md could cool down his feelings. Chanwoo was given an ultimatum, in that he either participate in the play or never communicate with md again. He fears losing md, so he agrees despite clearly not wanting to. This is coercion, and a coerced person cannot consent.

“Md is upset because chanwoo hurt his feelings so that’s why he hit him like that”
Again, unrequited feelings are never obligated to be returned, and personal feelings have no place in a casual bdsm relationship. Yes this hurt his feelings, but hurt feelings are never an excuse to coerce or hurt another person.

“He deserves it”
No one deserves abuse. Ever.

“How is it abuse”
It is abuse because he cannot consent. No consent = abuse/rape.

“I’ve been in a bdsm relationship that had plays exactly like this and I’m fine”
I’m sorry you’ve been abused before, but you should not use it as leverage to excuse other abuse.

“It’s just fiction why are you mad”
I, and many others, are mad because this abuse is being disguised as bdsm. This is harmful to the bdsm community, because it puts us in a bad light, and relates us to abusers. We are only attempting to keep our community’s image clear.
2020-05-25 19:30 marked
I think people are forgetting just what exactly is going on here. Wonho isn't a teenage girl rookie actor or idol, but he too is a victim of the prostitution that is rampant in the South Korean entertainment industry, which has resulted in actors and idols taking their own lives, as they can no longer cope with being raped, sexually exploited usually on the orders of their management. Work place bullying, nepotism and sex work is hardly unheard of in SK, but "sponsorships" are one of those open secrets where basically the wealthy influential men and women are untouchable, and if the actor or idol wants to secure work or pay of the massive debt that is occurred from them trying to debut or maintain their career from their management, then they have limited choice. A wealthy or influential person can provide, but on the grounds that there is a return, which is usually sex. Wonho says he has had more sponsors than Taeyoung's cousin, this would suggest that he has spent the majority of his career being prostituted, even if he does retain a degree of agency, in order to work. The stresses of this, have resulted in him becoming controlling of Min-Ki, as Min-Ki is the only rock he has. He's presumably studied to be an actor, and trying to make a career of this whilst dealing with sponsorships, yet someone like Taeyoung, who is a model, not an actor (and is also an influential sponsor's cousin) gets offered a big role in a film without much of an acting record.
2018-11-17 21:06 marked
I mean if you have scumbags for parents, fuck it. If you have an asshole for lover, fuck it! If your brother is "better" at everything, fuck it....Don't let anyone take you for an idiot, goddamnit!!! Stand for yourself and don't let people get you down. I know this is a fictional story but that's a real problem with teens and even adults nowadays, later on they get traumatised or become suicidal. Let's work on our self-steem and that way no one will push you aside, you'll love yourself, believe in your strengths and then you'll be aware you can truly love someone else!
2018-11-14 19:22 marked
I think there are a few chapters missing. For example what happens after Marlene saw the photo in Lili's pocket, their huge fight at the restaurant where Marlene works and so on. I was able to read all the chapters in a site called MangaHub but they're translated in russian. Here the link for those of you who can read Russian: https://mangahub.ru/coyote
2018-11-06 00:41 marked
If anyone is wondering; gay Korean BJs do exist. But not all of them do livestreams. Some broadcast their smutty sessiona on Line TV. Some send videos to buyers. They wear masks similar to those worn by BJ Md and Chanwoo. Most do BDSM play.
The funny thing is there is a BJ who goes by the name DongDong.
So yeah. I did my research and ended up having a lot of fun while doung so
2018-10-25 15:33 marked
Wow this was amazing!
It has its flaws as the author recognice, but still is really well writen.
From the star i was expecting miki to die (well the tragedy tag give us the hint) and i love the idea (not bc i hated miki, in fact i love his character, but bc i love the drama if not why would i be reading this? lol) but at the very end i was wishing for his survival, i really do. guess i was ok with both hipotesis.
The final chapter was simply mindblowing, in a magnificent way.
I want to say that english is not my frist language and it became to long to correct in google translaor so excuse my mistakes i just wanted to coment all this bc i love it.

If we analaize the whole manga, is tatsumi-san who tell the story and that's why we read it based on his opinion and thougs, but at the same time we have his conversations with miki where we got as caugh in the trap as the protagonist (the seme)
From the very begining tatsumi express that he doesn't believe miki' stories, or he half believe them. When he found miki with his supposed sister, the first think he taugh was that they were holding hands, and that he was going out with her. (until this time he and we didn't knew that everything he tought was the real truth) When he tied miki and ask him about her and if he was in love with her and if that was the reason why the yakuza beat him up (again he was unconsiusly telling the truth), miki didn't say anything and made a sad face (we can assume he's thinking that he's just the lover with whom she cheat her husband and nothing else for her despite he loving her)
Tatsumi think that whatever that woman is, miki still cares for her, and that they have a deeper relationship than the one he has with him.

After that miki invent the whole story about their past which he himself calls a poor tv drama. (maybe he got the ideas for his lies from some)
The first time i read the penultime chapter i though when miki stop walking in that store to see a couple, that he wanted something like that (since they were talking how homo they look to go there i though he wants a romance like that) but after reading it calmly i notice that that wasn't the reason why he saw them with a sad face, but because they were similar to the woman and the yakuza, and that's why he feels bad seeing them all lovely dovely, when he was again just the lover with whom she cheat her husband.
In the same chapter tatsumi remember the last night and his conversation with miki, when he ask "why do your sister married a guy like him" again we see miki's sad face and didn't say anything.
Later miki vent out saying angrily this "maybe she could have gotten away if she had everything she had into trying" assuming he loves her, we can say he propse her to run away with his cheater and abusive husband but she didn't want it at all bc for her " his heart is in the right place" and that's why he think she's a stupid woman for continuing with that relationship.
But then tatsumi kiss him and his horizon expand, thinking that maybe he should give up on her and run away with tatsumi.
Finally the last chapter clears everything the first hint we had that the miki that appear outside jail is not the real one is his clothes and his nails, he looks exactly the same as the day he was stabbed three years before. lol xD
Then we have miki's sister and her son, not only he looks exactly like miki, but tatsumi also made us notice that this baby was seed at the right moment, born ten months after miki's death, so we can say that the night miki was waiting outside of his appartament was when he got her pregnant, her husband found out that they were together and torn off miki's nails. And also when tatsumi refers to her as miki's sister, she didnt say anything and looks exaclty like miki when tatsumi asked about her. Hence, she knew that that was the lie he tell to tatsumi. Lastly the millon ask, "who is the father?", ofc miki didn't knew she got pregnant (asuming she got it that night) and since he was a product of his imaginantion that miki would knew the same things as tatsumi. then he remember miki's final words that everything he say were lies, his past, his relationship with that woman and maybe, his desire to run away with tatsumi too. :(
so did he ask him to kill that man to run away with the woman? we never know...

what can i say about ryoma? is just as fake miki said, he had his life messed up because of tatsumi. (poor guy honestly) and after that he just want to use him again to kill the yakuza?
now, has tatsumi the right to kill him? i mean his wife was cheating on him so the yakuza has the right to beat miki, but also he cheat and abused his wife so he deserved to be in prison. ryoma went psycho just a moment and got to prision, but isn't tatsumi as insane as all of them? i mean he's planning and waiting for a murder, and he's deluding himself with a dead person. xD
What can i say this was fantastic. the only bad thing is that last chapter supposed to be comic that didn't fit here at all. (the author's words not mine but i totally agree)
2018-10-12 09:23 marked
Chapter 25 spoiler
Despite, the popular opinion about the dad, he actually does love his son. He wants him to become stronger because Anton is pretty naive right now. Anton in this chapter begs his father to buy Arwin for him but Arwin is well sought after by men with bigger power than his father. So his dad tried to tell him that he just can't buy Arwin out of the brothel without any consequences. He would be making enemies out of powerful men. Cyrene also wants to baby Anton but his father told her that his son is not weak. Lol Anton does not know it but his dad has pride in him. I'm guessing his dad made similar mistakes in the past with Anton's mother. I'm starting to think that the reason why he never talks about Anton's mother to his son is because he's trying to protect him from the truth about their relationship.
2018-10-08 11:04 marked
Hi, could someone recomendate to me a tons of historical - long hair - beautiful art? I'm just so in love with mede shireru i need similar cause i've already readed this enought times to draw myself only by memory... Help me please!
2018-07-20 11:56 marked
I've read this like 3 times but this the first time i've noticed the way he was holding the wine glass Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

2018-05-03 10:25 marked
whats the secret that she knows that rogi wont tell?
2018-03-30 07:42 marked

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