hitoshi being anxious/overly conscious as a character makes him feels so realistic/relatable on top of funny. And not only can ma-kun laugh at and accept hitoshi’s serious self, but can also generally respect hitoshi and does things only if given consent? WE LOVE. they’re such a unexpected but fitting duo, i can imagine everyday never being boring for them we want more scenes

this could be a top tier series with its art and plot and characters but seungho really is a piece of sht, he drags it down for me -__- his character development is non existent and the constant r@ping and refusal to communicate isn’t helping him either. i feel by the time the author really starts his “character development”, ill be too stuck on the hatred and still won’t like him lmao
Love this series but like sometimes i think “wtf goes on” i can’t put the pieces together and make sense of it. the talking reflections? the special black room? the parents suddenly dying? ppl being replaced by a huge blood splatter? ... is something supernatural and involving powers involved? that’s all i can guess. once we get that ending and cry thing makes sense, it’s gunna hit me so hard, i’m excited