ibe literally raising alejandro and becoming lovers with him later. and ibe blaming the crown prince for her drowning when really 1) he saved her 2) the blonde couldnt keep her feelings in check and was the one who tried to kill her. the only issue with diego is he's too persistent and cant take "no" i think
also whats with ibe and alejandro meeting the blonde's brother for the very first time and ignoring and refusing to help him bc he was lost. he's a "bad" guy but he hasnt done anything at that point, whats with the rudeness

I think Ibelina tried to avoid Elenora's brother because he's depicted to be a REALLY ruthless character both now and in the OG novel (the guy started a war for his sister in the og novel and in the end I think he got killed bc of elenora? if i remember the spoilers right!), or she genuinely didn't know he had gotten lost, she seemed pretty surprised about it!
"he's a "bad" guy but he hasnt done anything at that point, whats with the rudeness "
b-b-b-but wasn't his introduction literally him saying to Elenora about him murdering his bloodline and planning to stage a coup, which would...probably make him a pretty not nice guy

thats it? thats the end??! really love reading abt their little life events and them growing closer. i was hoping for a little more emotional ending or maybe a peek at their relationship q few years later but this is good too.
reminds me of barakamon (city art kid trying to find himself and given the duty to take care of the village kid). if you liked this manga, i suggest checking out barakamon ^^
nahh but he disrespected the rings bro imagine getting rings for your lover and them saying you waited your time getting them and that theyre worthless and stuff, id kinda be mad sad loool