Weak Hero

Complete | razen,seopass | 2019 released
2024-03-05 09:02 marked
Tags: super cute


Honestly, super conflicted about this because I really liked it at the start and obviously it doesn't end in a way that is even close to the start. I can kind of see the message or the story that they were going for but it all just feels like a big joke. It's not even "I don't like how it all played out", I just don't even see the point. Technically, the majority of the characters did grow in their own way but there are different ways to showcase the growth of characters. Like I said I understand the themes and what I think the author was going for but I feel like someone just played a giant prank on me. I didn't need like five chapters of Donald's backstory and then reveal his death. Like no offense who f****** cares, not that I even disliked his character because we didn't really ever see him in comparison to others. But why would you put the whole backstory of the "villain" at the end of the story and then reveal his death like I'm supposed to be crying. Why are so many character crying? I understand character growth but all of the conflicts feel dumb. I can see that everyone that hated him also had a deep respect and ended up caring about him. But who cares it happened in the last five chapters. You don't show the most important bits at the end where it makes no sense.
Also this is my personal taste but all of the cursing for certain characters kind of doesn't make any sense. I get it they're teenage boys but our main character cursing sometimes just doesn't really fit. I feel like the cursing becomes cringy or stupid and just childish. I feel like it can cut into the seriousness and become cringy. Like instead of saying "why aren't you talking s*** anymore m***********? Stay down you little s*** b**** ass?" Wouldn't it make more sense for our main character to just say "why aren't you talking any more m***********?". With a serious you know more darkly coated comic. Basically how he appeared when he was beating up the long haired guy. No matter how angry he was it feels out of character and silly. When he adds all those extra words it takes away from the seriousness in my opinion. Basically I'm saying a lot of the dialogue just feels like how many curse words can I say in one sentence and it takes me out of the more serious scenes.