The amount of victim blaming in this Manhwa is astronomical. Yeah I'm tired of the whole gets kidnapped and then falls for kidnapping because victim was devoid of affection as a child. But this one pushed me to the limit about this freaking story is how at the end of the day the victim even victim blames themselves. Like yes he was a dick and he went about things wrong. But if you're raised by a bunch of a****** religious pricks and it's honestly a miracle he didn't end up worse.
Yeil low-key the worst person here, fuck him and that red haired bitch. It's Korea not America, MC shouldn't have been a douche but I would not blame him for what happened back then. Also, can we just get a smart kidnapping for once. I don't care if they end up falling for each other because they always do. Like can't we just get a I pretend to fall for him and I secretly have a perfect way to get out. But along the way my smart-ass actually ends up falling for him because I realize he's trapped here just like me.
Let me stop writing these paragraphs now.