ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

It's funny how peeps act like nobody gives a fuck meanwhile bro trended on Twitter for the whole day, got advertising campaigns in various parts of the world and also beame Mingwa's most liked and Rted tweet ever.

ktdkzone created a topic of Wet Sand

Ian is literally thinking about TJ while cumming just like he asked him too lmfao.

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

Anyways Happy Birthday Joo Jaekyung!

PS: Mingwa's Jaekyung birthday art is amazing per usual.

ktdkzone created a topic of Spilled Blood

"They are both grown adults so it's okay" it's funny to see how some people trying to cope and make it look less fucked up skssjsj their relationship is fucked up and defies every kind of societal norms and that's how the author wants it lol so learn to take it as it is instead of watering it down.

ktdkzone created a topic of Spilled Blood

Aye love me some fucked up shit lol and why peeps are whining in the comments? lol it's not for y'all puritans....y'all should take a leave when you can.

ktdkzone created a topic of Wet Sand

Every non TJ chapter makes me realize how much I love TJ as a character damn.

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

It would have been Jinx day today T_T

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

Someone in the comments said Jaekyung would be the worst father made me cackle cause y'alls observation skills are in the hell fr. If you clearly see Jaekyung got a lolipop to baby Dan so that he would stop crying, he put diaper on the baby potato, and even gave Heesung matching clothes which actually is his colour. It's really funny how people in the wake of hating jjk are so blind to literally everything about him and act like he is a monster or sumn. (And I'm not even a hardcore Jaekyung fan bruh)

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

These comments are so fucking vile lmao y'all are hella weird for hating on a piece of art like that lemme say that.

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

I mean at least Jaekyung is honest when it comes to his personality (aka being an asshole) unlike this guy who pretends to be a green flag lol.

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

Also no wonder Jaekyung didn't want Heesung anywhere near Dan (not saying jjk didn't do worse) like bro would have just discarded him in a nicest way possible after having his part of fun lol.

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

Well Jaekyung called Heesung a scumbag for a reason cause birds of same feathers flock together afterall.

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

I always say this Mingwa knows what she is doing lol so I just trust her process. YOU GO QUEEN!

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

Now that the season one is over I gotta say the best thing Mingwa did is not giving this Heesung and potato (the supposed second couple) screentime (I guess she learned her lessons from bj Alex lol) like I ain't gonna wait for 10 days to read about the fuck ass second couple bruh.

ktdkzone created a topic of Wet Sand

Where's my man TJ bro it's been so long can he just come already T_T (and no I'm not talking about this English version)

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

Why the heck peeps spreading misinformation that Mingwa announced the date for season 2 y'all please don't fall for it lol she will release the author's note on 23rd April and there she might or might not address the releasing date so just wait for it.

ktdkzone created a topic of Jinx

I see some people are having difficulty in imagining a redemption arc for Jaekyung well all I'm gonna say is if that Painter of the night dude Seungho and that Taeju from Low tide in twilight can get their redemption so can Jaekyung lmao cause trust me both mfs were way more horrible than Jaekyung is rn lol. I just hope mingwa executes his redemption arc well (which I believe she will).

I love how the author made Nakwon to be pathetically in love with Mokhwa after all the things he had done to him. It is definitely not gonna be easy for him to win Mokhwa's love and serves him right. He better treat him like a prince that he is.

ktdkzone created a topic of Yours to Claim

I really hope we get Yahwi and Jooin side stories.