the newest chapter did not disappoint. first season, it was hayden accepting whatever brett offered him but this second season seems to be brett’s turn to make the choice, whether to accept hayden’s feelings or leave. it’s obvious hayden wants brett to reciprocate his feelings and i think brett has started to realize he underestimated hayden. sure, their relationship started as a casual thing out of mutual benefit, but hayden no longer just wants that so it’s really up to brett now. that being said, i wonder how will hayden win his heart over….. it makes me super excited!!!

also assertive hayden is so sexy, him telling brett “i’m old fashioned so either you accept me, as old fashioned as i am, or you leave” like damn boy….


feel like with every chapter i'm like "what a banger chapter" but YEA whatt a banger chapter. kind of adore how we see brett being pleased with himself/enjoying his scheme come into fruition (with the leaked video) like the manipulative little menace he is. but then his shock when he sees that clip of hayden playing dead on that tv show - you can tell he has some lingering ptsd (?) or worry over hayden and from what we can tell he goes to find hayden afterwards at the gym too to check up on him!

(side note: i feel like hayden might become an actor ie. thematically taking more of the "active" role in this story and the relationship with brett. maybe he'll get attention from that tv role?)

BRETT AND HAYDEN'S DIALOGUE MWAHH hayden is very impressive here, he's appealing to Brett's way of interacting with the world by "negotiating" with him but he's making it clear what his terms are this time around (but also the most romantic terms ever)

hayden: you always mentioned that you would make sure i would get equal value out of our "transaction" but i don't want any of the stuff you've given me so far ie. money, gifts, etc - all of which is just easy for you to give bc you don't lose anything from it. the only thing that is of value for me is your feelings - if you want to offer something in this transaction you have to give those. if the kind of "cool" relationship you want is one where no one is invested then sorry, i'm not "cool" in that way. you can decide whether or not you want to be with someone as "not cool" as me.

(so hayden is basically like: here are MY terms. take it or leave it)

brett: wow...seems like you're stating things pretty one-sidedly and like you don't want me to accept those terms..are you trying to get me to leave or am i mistaken?

and then hayden PULLS HIM AND MAKES OUT WITH HIM and they're both super into it but then hayden pulls away and is liek "do you get it"? basically showing brett like DUH i want you to accept these terms but i'm not going to humiliate myself for them/i'm going to stick strong to the terms i've given. (brett looks so cute and pouty at the end at not getting his way for once!!) i love this manhwa soo much!!!

So like um is the backstory over? I dropped this since the backstory was endless....

I wish I could take that guy's head off

Yeah no sry but I gotta have to drop this again...

Freedom_is_the_best created a topic of Reverse Trap

I fucking hate the uke

Freedom_is_the_best created a topic of Flashlight

It's too sweet... I have a type 2 diabetes :(

Freedom_is_the_best asked a question

Playing genshin impact cause reading sweet fever again and again is too wrong

Freedom_is_the_best created a topic of Shutline

They welcomed us with a bang....

Why is Lister a fking child bruh he always throw tantrums I wish gjord would just take mc away bruh

Goshhhh Rishar Is the damn forest yall I REPEAT HIS THE DAMN FOREST YALL

That was amazing if I'm being honest but seriously it's not like it's my first time reading incest but I guess that was good too and lastly I hope someone put a tag incest


He's dad is widowed? Damn daddy I'm ready

Freedom_is_the_best asked a question

Can anyone recommend me more like this where the top is killer and the bottom is a idgf or rather a nonchalant guy like this manwha called 16647

Freedom_is_the_best created a topic of 16647

Can anyone recommend me more like this where the top is killer and the bottom is a idgf guy