So tomorrow is my birthday I have been thinking in this day for a month saying to myself that by the time I'll get to this day everything is going to be better or just fine at least but I can't I really can't I keep failing everything I failed being a good kid for my parents, good sibling, good friend, good student I failed loving this world not it past, present or future, I failed loving anyone most of all I failed loving myself and I don't know why... I just want to puke all these feelings. I tried really hard to find a solution but of course I failed too I can't find any reason to keep going it is all too much I didn't choose to live but I want to choose to die stop everything before I fuck up everything more not only for me but for those who are around me still I wanted to give it one more chance a chance to I don't know what maybe so I could say I really tried everything including asking for help say what you want even if it isn't nice I already think it is too lame to do this but why not? I am sorry

I think you're fixing yourself huge objectives for a short amount of time. '^'
Being a good child/sibling/student takes time and effort. Of course you can't do it in a month.
Just try to improve yourself with little step. Apologize when you do something wrong and start working on your school stuff an hour a day.
Those are how you begin improving yourself.

Looking for some fucked up friends (=・ω・=)

This trolling MOTH has changed it's profile name.
Here's that pricks profile.
Yo wazzup niglets!! I'm MothXLamps, Yeah!! Sometimes I ask shit writing down a question being an anon, and the fun fact is I answer that shitiest shit myself from my OWN account "MothXLamps" logging again into mangago. I wanna be famous here!! I'm unemployed, there's no work at home. Do y'all hate it when someone answer their own shitest questions? Well I don't.
Yeah i am MothXLampsActually I've been going through depressive phases to think that My father should've wore a condom that night!!
If y'all want to know the truth i am a virgine, I really am, I've had quite a few opportunities to lose my virginity and all, but I've never got arrond to it yet. I'm writing it down here being an anon, But keep in mind I'm MothXLamps.
Now y'all got acknowledged me that I answer my own anonymous questions just to be famous here.
I don't have all the answers y'all ask for. although I've a lot of my own questions which I answer. MothXLmaps. Please consider me a celebrity here. *eyes down and Blushes in the dark* / I am MothXLamps

Hello~ I wish you all to have a wonderful day and fuck everything just be happy no matter what,I know some people could use those words maybe something more deep but I suck at this I know that because I am trying to say the words that I need huh everything is getting harder even getting sleep I've been awake for two and half days hope to get through rest of the day without collapsing I came here looking for some positive energy so if you have some encouragement or any thing to say be my guest please!

so I have midterm exams next month and they are REALLY important if I fail them I have to wait for the next year to start over I am 90% sure that I am going to fail cause I have to study what I took in a year and half just in a month I am trying to come up with a plan and I did but I am really afraid that I wouldn't be able to remember what I study I can't choose between letting go or trying hard enough because if I fail after studying that much I don't think that I am going to be able to
study again I know that's all just nagging but I am trying to convince myself that I can do it and honestly I need support in these recent months I figured out that being alone isn't always good last year was really hard for me to many drama happened I am dealing with depression now but I am trying to recover I still can't find happiness but I think if I pass this I will be able to rest for a while

YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I believe in you.
Take deep breaths (do it slowly and for a few times). Calm down. I know you are stress and freaking out because you have to learn all that in a month. I know how you feel. I been through there a few times before (I am a college student btw). It sucks. I had momentd to where i wanted tp pull my haor out and punch a wall

***(I accidently press the post it button before I could finish)***
YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I believe in you.
Take deep breaths (do it slowly and for a few times). Calm down. I know you are stress and freaking out because you have to learn all that in a month. I know how you feel. I been through there a few times before (I am a college student btw). It sucks. I had moment to where i wanted to pull my hair out and punch a wall. I was soooo worried I will fail my exams to the point where I had mental breakdowns. I also went through depression as well. I didn't want to drop classes. I relaxed and studied the best I can. I made it out alive. I am going to graduate this year with a Bachelor degree in Info system and minor in Computer science. If I can do this You can too.
I suggested for you to take step by step. Start going to a quiet comfortable place. No distractions. No tv. no games, no talking to friends, no texting or social media. Have all of you materials in front of you (organized). Study for 45 mins and take a 10 min break (stretch, walk around, talk to a family member, get something to eat). Go back to studying for another 45 mins (review information from your previous study session). Repeat till you understand the material. Divide ypur Chapters into sections. Start with the easiest or the ones you know. Then go to the harder materials. If you stuck (frustrated), walk away from your study place and do something you enjoy for a bit. Comeback omce you relaxed. Write down important info. Redo old exams and quizzes. Review the study guide. Review before you go to sleep.
Try your best. If you do well, Great. If you don't do well as in fail. that is okay. it is not the end of the world if you fail. Life will still go on. The sun will still shine. Let that be a lesson learn and fix your mistakes to study earlier in the year. I failed exams before and so did other people.
You got this. Good luck. Hope you do well. ♡

Ok!!I usually don't reply to comments but when I read it story I thought it was necessary to tell u this that I used to live in sa I came back to my own country due to some reason here I got admission in this one college they had already studied 80% of their books while I hadn't not even read those chapters and ther ere exams right after 20 days for that 80 %of book I lost all hope sat on my chair and started crying than my family came and said that don't think something is impossible without even trying it and thos3 20 days have passed and rn it's my 3rd exams after tomorow I am just studying and I am I am not sure if i can do this or not but there is one satisfying feeling when u keep on goin toward ending ur exams so i would really highly recommend u not to give up it doesn't matter whether u have studied or not what matters is that u tried and give ur best

You have these people ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭, who you hardly know, supporting you believe in you. So have courage kiddo
(๑•ㅂ•)و✧You may not know what will happen but if you gonna worry about what will happen, worry after you do you're very very BEST rather than worry and doing nothing ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Plus, nothing beats than working hard and doing your very best till the end, right?ヾ(☆▽☆).
-says the one who just types this-
Well, we all ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ wish you a very best of the most LUCK you ever had.

Awww Thank you!!!! But I don't want you to feel sad.
Success is for everyone. It's just different for everybody. What I want you to do is take the weekend off for yourself. Have fun and go out. Forget about school. Once you get your Score posted, decide on what is your next step. If you didn't do well, then start studying now (use my tips in my original post) to do well next year. Learn from this mistake. Not the end of the world. I failed classes and exams before.
Think positive not negative.
If you need advice and tips message me ♡

do mangas affect your life badly because for me I can't focus on my studies sometimes because of it so I was wondering how do you deal with it please help I'll really appreciate it#-.-)

Maybe you could set goals for yourself like, ‘if I get this essay done I will read a chapter of this!’ or something like that. Good luck ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

I am too. Its a blessing and a curse, but look on the bright side; at least it's not drugs.
But, if you are just a blessed as I am, I try to turn on my lights and sit up when studying.
If I am pushed to do something I don't want to do, I won't do it. So when studying, try to think of it as something YOU want to do. It's not for anyone else, but you want to better yourself. I can't live without listening to something in the background. If you have no friends like me, try listening to a live broadcast for relaxing music. The chat isn't interesting enough to be distracting, and you can look at it from time to time. Just so you feel better that you are probably succeding most of the people in the chat, including me.

Remind yourself of the consequences if you choose manga over your studies. Remember that mangas will still be there even after your exams - hell, more chapters will be out by then probably. Read manga as a reward when you have reached a goal and if possible block your access to manga in the in betweens. These reward mangas CANNOT be super long ones or you are screwed. Or if possible do a " one chapter, one goal", which is better time wise than the time to read a whole story. Read a really crappy manga before studying that way you don't think you are missing on something. Try to study with books and way from the internet. Try to study in common areas where people can very easily see your screen so that you will be less tempted to read a steamy yaoi.
I also have this manga addiction - it has honestly cost me. I love it, but it has brought me some hard times too... I'm still learning to get better, but if you are already thinking about fixing it, you are on the right track! GOOD LUCK!

Oh god I think it is even worst than drugs because you are not aware of what you are doing but for yaoi it's a whole different level it's true when they say we are yaoi slaves (I don't mean it in a bad way)(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 but again the idea of someone who really understand me feelings and trying to help it is so overwhelming you guys gave me strength and I shall fight for my DREAMS AND YAOI!!!ヾ(☆▽☆) I don't get along with people well so we are kind of the same don't feel lonely~

I need help give me your opinion please so I watch anime and my sister is starting to show some interest in anime also at first I said it's ok what the problem? But now I feel like dying I don't want her to watch anime I don't why I really hate this feeling so could you please help to find a way to over come this and I'll appreciate it(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

y not

if you think anime is precious to you, you may feel like not wanting to share it. Does something like this happens with your friends too? If so this may be the case. Also try watching some with her maybe you will get over it

That's how I felt when I suspected a sibling of mine was watching anime. It's like, "You've stolen almost everything I own, from my clothes to my privacy. At least let me keep this one thing to myself!"
Even though I'm not into anime anymore, I still cringe at the thought of them getting into it.

Same can't watch boku no hero.

I think I kind of relate to you in a way. I have been into kpop and anime ever since I was in 4th grade. And all along, my friends use to tease me and used to look down on my obsession. Last year, they got into BTS and now they are huge bts fans and have started to watch anime (also because of bts ( ̄へ ̄)) and they come up to me and recommend me anime and kpop songs which I have listened /watched long ago. It irritates me so much.

'Sibling rivalry' Google it, then learn how to get rid of it. Cause it sucks. For you but mostly for the sibling you are doing it too.
I really can't sleep it takes me 3 hours to fall asleep and when I sleep it's really hard to wake up I sleep 2 hours a day it's destroying me I'm always tired no appetite I lost a lot of weight in a really short period of time I am starting to mix reality with my imagination can't focus at all it just feels like I'm slowly dying
Question, are you not eating because the food tastes bad or you just don't feel hungry?
Another question, do you think the fact that you can't sleep could be linked to insomnia or do you think it's something different?
Last question, How would you describe your mention that "it's really hard for me to wake up"?
Take melatonin, it’s a natural hormone that is produces in your body to make you go to sleep. You can get it in gummy, pill or liquid form
Not hungry, Idk but I'm in my bed not like I'm thinking just staring until I sleep, it's like I've been in a coma
Isn't addictive?
If your health is really declining badly I suggest that you try to eat something even if you aren't hungry. Make sure it's something healthy though, otherwise it could harm u further if your immune system is weak from the lack of sleep and vitamins.
About the sleep problems, I'm not sure if it is insomnia but I suggest you go look up insomnia and investigate it a little to see if it is it. I'm not too knowledgeable but if you think that it is insomnia after doing a little investigating then you should turn to someone to try to help you fix it, or you could try going online?
As for the hard trouble waking up, I really don't know. I don't have any real idea as to why or what it is and I've never really experienced something of the sort myself....
I hope you get better. And if you keep having these problems then you might want to see a doctor.
I totally get the part where you can't sleep easily and i also do sleep 2 to 3 hrs a day. I'm always tired too to the point of being lazy to eat hence i have no appetite. Maybe they are linked. I don't mix reality with my imagination. In my case, i don't see any point in doing things, i feel so jaded and detached most of the time. I'm just having existential crisis. I don't feel like dying but i'm just going with the flow like a dead fish. Well i'm just sharing mine since it could be the case for you too hahaha
in my own opinion i think its best to talk with your family and doctors it could be something that could last through out your life time and cause some dangerous outcomes if left alone,especially lack of sleep which can directly affect your mental state but i would suggest trying to sleep on a schedule and try to eat at least a little bit of food throughout the day even if its just a small snack and to do so regularly so your body can have a schedule which can actually affect your life in a good way.i can only give you advice,not tell you what to do with your life but i do hope this helps.please try and take care of yourself, i hope you can find a way to get more sleep and eat better.
Okay I'm gonna try to see a doctor thanks tho for everything really made me glad to know there's someone who cares about others
I actually feel the Same I'm so sick of it it's like there's nothing more this is how you're gonna feel for the rest of your life and that is so nerve wrecking
Thank you so much you're an amazing human being wish you the best and I'll try to see a doctor