bureau of investigaytion ✦'s experience ( All 43 )

about birthday
thanks to that kpop related question in the forums, i randomly googled taemins bday and ITS TODAY!! nice coincidence :0 anws every day is taemins day but today is extra extra special bc its the day he was born! happy bday to the bestest boi, i love u and i miss u so much   2 reply
17 07,2021
when they tryna roast a hella fine meat but it came out raw   5 reply
09 07,2021
wtf is this mangago??? yall tryin so hard to make me hate the dms/emails a lot more... is it just me? or this is bc of those porn bots that keep spamming ads and links   3 reply
23 06,2021
spoilers for the movie 'army of the dead' (not that it matters) btw i edited this, now other charas death and ending is included . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IM SO PISSED THAT THEY KILLED A BADASS WOMAN WITHIN AN HOUR OF THE MOVIE. she was so cool, like dude she was fighting off a horde of zombies ALONE. maneuvering w knife and gun on each of......   1 reply
13 06,2021
oh my godddd, i was out of commission until afternoon bc my body hurts all over. im still fucken sore, im just lying on my bed fiddling on my phone and i dont wanna get up. i havent eaten anything yet bc i dont wanna cook food. i was alrd expecting a side effect bc i had vaccines before and my body reacts weirdly to them but this is the worst so fa......   3 reply
01 06,2021

bureau of investigaytion ✦'s answer ( All 2256 )

she didnt start it but shes vocal and unrelentless, and some of her efforts paid off so the other authors joined bc they saw an opportunity to reach out and voice their concern. and its somehow starting to work   reply
23 07,2021
about question
its both but its more of a curse to me. in a span of 24hrs, i forget a LOT of things and it greatly affects how i function daily   reply
23 07,2021
about question
unfortunately common sense is not "common" but ngl i rlly dont care if stuff like potn gets deleted   reply
23 07,2021
about question
nope. i'll just have to go back to reading it in scattered places like their personal websites or discord server and get used to it again   1 reply
23 07,2021
damn why not? ive got a basement and walls to spare edit: not yall taking my answer srsly- this is a reference to ks   2 reply
23 07,2021

bureau of investigaytion ✦'s question ( All 2 )


(will post photos below)
16 04,2021

People are doing

did song lyrics stuck in head

I bought diamonds at my dentist. I've been playing like tennis. Grand Slam like tennis.You're the one I'm tryna finish. Ice on my teeth

2 hours
did y'all just feel sad when

I think of when my cat will pass. What’s the point after that? Shes everything man

10 hours
want to do social media

Honestly if I could I’d make everyone delete it. We don’t need people influencing others to do bad things. Cons outweigh the pros.

10 hours