He looks like walmart male Bayonetta

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Dark Fall

This story is so bad the only thing keeping me from dropping it is that I hope Leon brutally kills all of them. I don't get how yall are starting to like Mephisto too, like they all violently raped him MULTIPLE times and you guys are looking past that because Mephisto gave him a blanket while he slept?? Crazy

Reading as a cellist, violinist, and pianist>>>

I'm completely engrossed in this story it's so interesting, and sad. I need more ceo guy too

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Believe My Sign

Wait what the fuck this actually has me worried

ml reminds me of this girl who told everyone I liked her (which I did) and everyone at school made fun of me for it in the 4th grade. They have no zero relations other than the fact that they both piss me off to the point where I want to bomb said school

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Jinx

MY SPIDEY SENSES ARE TINGLING, this guy might be the one who finally hands jk's ass to him(please dont be wrong spidey senses)

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Dead or alive

So he really is a scammer??

I'm gonna drop this for a couple months then come back to see if the story has become less stagnant. Honestly, it's so boring and repetitive, and the "plot" has made zero progress. They just keep talking and talking. Absolutely no action has been taken by any one of them. And it's not like all the talking they've done has had any meaning. They literally just talk, if that makes sense. The main characters have made zero character development, and that may just be because we're on chapter 26, but with the way the story is going, it seems like there won't be any development in a long time. And there aren't any redeeming qualities about them to make up for how slow everything else is. I hope this story gets better in the future because I like the art and the second couple.

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Solo For Two

Also fuck all of yall spoiling and not even putting a spoiler warning

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Solo For Two

Karel wtf. You almost let Sasya get raped right in front of you, but stop it once you realized he has ptsd. Makes no sense

The story was so weird, it just made no sense. And the anatomy is sometimes really disproportionate. Like why is his hand way bigger than his head

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Jinx

Atp Idec about Kim Dan anymore bc this is just getting pathetic. You must have no love for yourself if you're still putting up with this p.o.s bullshit. I don't get how this is attractive, even for the girls who get off to this shit. He's a horrible person, and he looks like a fucking horse, what is there to like??

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Waterside Night

Wtf is this drama that everyone is talking about? I tried to find out on my own but everyone explaining is illiterate or English is not their first language

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of Perle

The cover is so so pretty please tell me this is a good read also is this a sad ending novel readers

TheRealBabyKia!!1! created a topic of ENNEAD

The least they could've given us was Horus or Seth beating his ass but whatever...