@41Blood petals41 sit your cringy ass down. I give zero shits that you’ve been reading this since it’s first been uploaded, like do you want a cookie?? But that’s beside the point. Sorry to break it to you but like I said you are and one other dumbass are the only ones making a huge fuss on this pedophilia bullshit. A total of 2 people have brought it up in about 20 pages of comments, asking whether or not it has grooming/pedophilia. So for you act as if those two people were throwing the those words around and accusing the story of having those nasty themes, when they were simply asking about it because they did not have enough context of the story to be sure, is baffling to me. You could’ve answered their questions and everything would’ve been cleared up and this topic would’ve been long gone from the comment section. But no, you’re stupid ass had to write a separate response crying in all caps like a bitch
Where can read the official chapters?
here? its the raws
I swear I’ve seen like 5 bl artists use that fuckass “teddy bear” print on the shirts they draw
It's probably some popular icon in Korea idk
Majority of artist will use the same art program (csp) when making their manhwa. Csp has a large list of assests to use to help with comic making so its probably one of those. I think ive seen the assest on acon3d which is another assest type store to make drawing easier! So thats why you will see similar things (=・ω・=)
Probably it is knocking off ralph lauren products
Like one person said it is a popular icon in Korea or at least teddy bears in general are. They were everywhere when I would shop I guess it is/was a trend
Thanks ! I didn't know that. That's so COOL !