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izumo? why? like the other ones I get, but izumo? that doesn't make sense? kyoichiro's the reason why izumo even became a spy, just why? I don't get it.

I swear if this is just another point to make about how family is the only group of people you can trust I will end the author. That is so stupid. The only reason why family is considered the only people you can trust is because of your experience with them that makes them family. This literally does not make sense unless it's a huge joke istg. There is literally no reason for this to happen, no explanation. Like I get the idea that you can only trust family, but that's going too far to say someone would do something for money or to finish their 'contract' for the heck of it. Especially for someone like izumo and Kyoichiro.

Author doesn't understand how people work istg they better give a good explanation or I'm going to be so disappointed.

What kind of value are they even trying to suggest? That blood is the only thing that matters? That's so dumb. That doesn't take into consideration human bonds.

Like, IMO, if it's Izumo, then the only person who is his family is Kyoichiro atp.

Just no.