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Idk but these old guys gotta go play bingo instead of playing President bc they’re gonna fuck us over Here’s Trump getting ready to kiss Biden >w< Joe being a sad boi TwT uwu
I didn't know enstars released their songs on spotify omg I'm actually ecstatic rn wth!!! Σ(っ°Д °)っ Anyways, for enstarries what's your favorite enstars song. I eat up EXCEED every single day

Like I do like this series but there are some things that I personally found strange.

His first skill is to see the capability and the future of others. His second skill is that if he says "I love you" the targets become attached to him. And while the book sort of leans towards him being fairly unwilling to use his ability, it doesn't mean he doesn't.

Idk it's sort of weird sometimes seeing how much some of the characters like him when we know that he's hypnotizing some of them. I know that the ability only works if they don't know but like... it's awkward for me at least.

And like he's shown to be a sort of... uh generous person, but he really isn't?? He only helped people because he knew they were strong.

Especially for characters like Myeongwoo. You could argue he's helped him, but the intention of his help... Like it's good for the world, and yet it feels so wrong sometimes. And he sort of just accepts it, like he's not that disturbed. He should at least be some what... unconfident and paranoid but he isn't-??

Idk maybe it's how the story is portraying him, but he should be far more calculating than now, not a sort of temporary genius from time to time.

╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I'm probably rambling and thinking too much, but it's just been bothering me because like it's all cute and then I remember that he's hypnotizing them.

But if the story ends up addressing this ig it's fine.

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Men inequality. As a feminist myself I want to Yap about men inequality. Men are falling behind SO MUCH it's not even funny. They turn 17 and already think their life is over, Men are not given enough encouragement or support. Women? Heck we can go to ANY social media platform and find all those Positivity,affirmations for us. There are some for me......
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does anyone have the funny experience where you comment on someone's comment and find out you're blocked and you genuinely have no idea why nor do you ever have any recollection of being blocked by them? because that's me for the fifth time so far and I cannot, for the life of me remember any of those people-

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Accept yourself
Know yourself 
Be yourself 
Be confident for who you are
Love yourself for who you are

Thats why...

I accept my horniness and kinkiness
I know my horniness and kinkiness
I am horny and kinky
I am confident for my horniness and kinkiness
I love myself because I'm horny and kinky.

If you wanna suck a dick. GO ON!!
if you believe that liking femboys or fapping off to them isnt gay..Uh Go on..?
If you like Rape/incest. GO TO JAIL.
If you're into shotas or lolis. The JAIL IS ALL YOURS!!!

Feeling lonely? Dont be! The sun be alone but its still rocking!!!
Life is way tooo short to be depressed.
Besides.. being depressed is way too depressing!(lmao)

Shine like the fucking SUN And blind tf out of people!

(Just being positive here) :DDD

I am mentally not-so-doing-well and I love seeing yall mad

16 days
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✿ I eat up any genre, literally anything as long as it's interesting and good ✿
if you can't support artists and authors ATLEAST HAVE THE DECENCY to support the people who are giving their TIME AND MONEY so you can read FOR FREE. If I can use 3-4 sites so can you. 
If a series is uploaded by a bot (no uploader/no name on the right side of the chapter) and in the beginning of the chapter it clearly states to read on their site DO IT all you have to do is READ ON THEIR SITE???? It's not that hard ¯_(ツ)_/¯
 ⚘ Pfp is Bamby from PLAVE by artist @Dumchit_K ⚘
Source: https://twitter.com/Dumchit_K/status/1678517554891878400?s=19

16 days
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I need friends message me at my ig :<


20 days

the first time he's smiled without looking completely sleezy - he must be so proud of himself... ok ngl if I pulled a win like making an actual god, I'd be happy too. Went from.instant death to instant win.

Basically, we now need another god, cough chuya cough cough verlaine, to help out, cough cough possibly die. Or Atsushi to Atsushi it.

Let Atsushi Atsushi. I don't think Chuya is going to work and it'll end up falling onto Atsushi and Dazai. Or just Atsushi. Or a mix. But idk why I feel like if Chuya or Verlaine go, something will happen. idk why, they're too old to handle this. Like this is the same as Shibushibu. Shibushibu was defeated by Atsushi and Chuya did some of the legwork. Then reasonably, this time, Chuya handles big boy and Atsushi takes on Dostoesky if they parallel each other, which I think they will because author has done that with Lovecraft/Fizzypop and Shibushibu - which btw, I found horribly repeptitive for a mystery manga... If he does somethinf different, that'd be great.

But also why Atsushi - Atsushi can 'delete' abilities in the sense he can cut through them. So, since Dostoevsky *is* his ability, technically as long as Atsushi's AND Dostoevsky's ability register Dostoevsky as an ability, he can kill him. ngl if that does happen, then it'd probably be chalked up to Dostoevsky having used his ability too many times.

Literally, he 'holds' over things from people he has 'taken over' is what we're assuming if he's not lying about Bram - eg Bram's promise to Aya. Basically, what that means is that being killed by someone he isn't completely turned into a direct copy fo Dostoevsky, rather ig you could argue reborn in that person's body, ergo he still has the duties that must be fulfilled by that person. Similarly, this also means that if he takes over a lot of people and uses his ability a lot, more of himself is taken over by small details of others. These small details are a result of his ability and you can (?) argue that he is more of an ability after idk how long. So Atsushi can be registered, not as killing him but his ability if that even makes sense.

Or Christie backstabs him cause now he just went from kikling ability users (?) to killing everyone since the only one he wants to protect is Aya (ngl that is kind of sweet if not horrifyingly creepy because 9/10 Dostoevsky is a control freak, bro tells Dazai he'll remove everyone around someone to make them rely on him and like him).

I personally want Dazai to kill him and die. It would be the best end if bith Atsushi and Chuya lost and Dazai ended up killing him. You can think, ah doesn't his ability mean he can't use his ability? But the issue is technically, Dostoevsky ability activates on his death. And so, is Dazai really still touching the person who is using an ability if they die, does Dostoevsky's ability count as Dostoevsky's dead body or does it occur before death? But that wouldn't be possible, therefore, Dostoevsky ability might not be linked to his own body, but the body of the person who killed him. But then can ability really touch someone? Sure, Dostoevsky taking over Dazai physically could count as it, but not immediately so ngl, if Dazai were to kill Dostoevsky, he might die in the process and IMO, I think that is the best ending. NO MATTER WHAT YOU GUYS SAY. That is the best ending and IMO, for Dostoevsky, a super big bad scary villain, I think the amount of people that have died is reasonable. Even Teruka. Except Jouno but he's technically undead ig.

Jouno and Akutagawa are the two people who shouldn't be dead, if we're being completely fair. Jouno because it just didn't make much sense. Akutagawa because author is ruining the parallelism. Author is ruining a lot of things, but Akutagawa and Atsushi working together was not something I thought he would throw in the trash can. idk maybe they'll work together in the end???

Like Teruka makes sense, although sudden. When Dostoevsky moved to that area, I thought he'd kill everyone within a ten km radius ngl. I'm surprised he's holding back... from impulsive homicidal tendencies.

I feel like, there are three villains from chapter I think 21, 1. Fizzypop, 2. Dostoevsky, 3. Christie and her gang. Fizzypop is done, then there's Dostoevsky, but with how Dostoevsky is going, author should and probably will end with Dostoevsky. If he doesn't - he's an idiot.

But with how it's going, ngl author is going to pull some nonsense out of his ass to explain what's going on. There are inconsistency with Dostoevsky's ability too - e.g. Karma... the guard... Personally, I don't think in terms of OP-level his ability is too strong, I just don't think it makes sense. Now, if his ability was something like reverse Kim Dokja, I'd totally get it. Kill one hundred people and get revived once.

Honestly, that was what I thought it was originally-

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31 05,2024
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31 05,2024
轻轻落下来的叶子 answered question about question
1. Makoto Yoshimori - he made the ost for durarara, baccano, alice gakuen, hamatora, and more 2. Ko-Ko-Ya - they made the ost for ristorante paradiso and croiseee in the foreign labyrinth 3. Shofin - it's a korean pianist: https://youtube.com/@shofinpiano?si=r3mkQZHaK5MD6Lmy 4. えなpiano伴奏 - JP pianist that I like: https://youtube.com/@piano......
tragic villain everyone thinks you're very melodramatic because you never miss an opportunity to break out in lengthy monologues about everything that is wrong with the society. but you are deeply misunderstood. the world has scarred you and now you're simply trying to get even. the hero says you go too far in trying to achieve that and so they co......
轻轻落下来的叶子 followed a goer

Hi! ( ⸝⸝•ᴗ•⸝⸝ )੭⁾⁾ 
I spend most of my freetime just reading here.
I have a Hamster named Buddy. He 
crawls like a coachroach, but I still love
him and wish for him to live a long and 
happy life.
Hope I can get along with everyone 
 ʕ; •`ᴥ•´ʔ

Fun facts

I absolutely LOVE the promised
neverland! The story is so good, however I do prefer the manga over the anime. 

My favorite animes would be Free!!! and
Violet Evergarden, an absolute tear jerker. Both are breathtakingly beautiful masterpieces. :D

30 05,2024
my mum used to tell me only idiots that have their heads stuck up their asses don't know how to use chopsticks as a way to force me to learn because I didn't want to be that. imo slippery noodles are the hardest to pick up like rice noodles... spaghetti is actually pretty easy.
轻轻落下来的叶子 answered question about question
if they ghost you over something that stupid, then forget them. friends are meant to be broken off when they run out of whatever fuel they used to keep themselves attached to you. If the lightbulb in a lamp flickers out when you're reading, replace it. most of the time a really 'cool' person is only ever cool in one way and every other facet of......
轻轻落下来的叶子 answered question about your opinions
I'm pretty sure Gojo fans think their opinion is superior to others so I don't understand why it's so upsetting when men also think they are better than Gojo fans. It's the same thing back to back, apple to apple, it's fair. I think you suck, you think I suck. Also, I think it's funny you just realized that people who criticize others might be jus......
it is literally coloured coded, manga-go
轻轻落下来的叶子 answered question about question
my taste is for you to shut the hell up.
轻轻落下来的叶子 answered question about question
idk but someone I knew managed to gaslight jeff the killer into giving them metaphorical love as a way to kill them and got him to even call her mommy.