I read a Chinese bl novel in the past (forgot the title). He was also a returner. On his second life, he was able to dodge accidents, deaths and mishaps orchestrated by his enemy because of his knowledge from the past. Or the right thing to say was he was a hundred steps ahead that his enemy couldn't even attempt to threaten him. So he also couldn't take revenge in the absence of crime. So what he did was he sought a magic tool where it could swap places with a person from a different dimension/timeline. He summoned the one who tormented him in the past and punished and killed him in his current dimension/timeline.
Following this logic, he felt it wrong to hate and kill the person that hasn't done the crime yet. This must be how aristia also felt. She identified the emperor of each timeline as two different entities and just wrote off his abuse in the past and started all over again in the current timeline . (Although, the damage has been done, the pain and trauma have been inflicted so she just have to delude herself it was just a bad dream, a nightmare)
2025-01-25 17:55 marked

A couple big plot points just kinda vanish without ever being clarified (*cough like that childhood incident cough*). They were huge at first... then so much unnecessary emo back-and-forth pining interrupts until you finally forget. Even a couple characters randomly stopped showing up. Did they die...? Get a different job...? Author got bored of them? Sorry, anyway...
The 2nd and 3rd MLs are far better love interests, as well as better characters in general. They have distinctive personalities and backgrounds, love FL in complicated but true ways, etc. The ML's best points? Occasionally being considerate of other human beings. Like calling for a doctor if someone is dying in front of you. I mean, the bar is on the ground. Tiny example is ML asking his chef to make something the FL likes for the ONE LUNCH he requests her to join. She's a warm-and-tingly mess over it. ...I always care about what my guests like to eat... that's just being a decent person? Ugh. It's wild how much better the other dudes are than the ML.
Idky I torture myself with stuff like this. I read this ages ago, but it's legendary for the general results. I chose to reread and remember what was bad. After reading a ton of these stories... yeah. I remember. It's not bad overall... just very unsatisfactory in most ways. Leaves you disappointed.
2025-01-25 17:51 marked
2025-01-22 18:57 marked

2025-01-21 08:04 marked
2025-01-14 07:59 marked
2024-12-16 16:32 marked
2024-12-15 18:25 marked
2024-12-08 19:34 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2024-07-20 23:20 marked
2024-06-25 19:29 marked
2024-06-25 19:29 marked

It really flows well with the plot. What was your favorite scene?
Me personally I really liked it when the male lead
Rubbed his small willy on the female lead's face
to assert dominance.
I think that it really shows how much of an alpha he is!
I like their character development and how they interact.
They can't really talk,
So they just bark and growl at eachother....
But! It's the thought that counts!!!0[]0!!!!
2024-06-11 22:26 marked

Am I remembering things incorrectly or smth?? or is this scene in another story with a similar plot?? Please help TT-TT
2024-05-13 07:12 marked
2024-04-18 20:04 marked