I liked this manga and how it ended. obviously i didn't like EVERYTHING that happened, but i just kept my eyes on the main couple, and I saw all the minor details that showed yule was trying his gosh darn hardest to change even tho he was shit at it but i didn't expect him to know how to change properly, but that's honestly good enough for me, people who take the time to reflect and change, even if they make shitty mistakes trying to figure it out can be foriven. seriously tho, every time yule did something bad, i saw his intention, and how much he was trying to get kyung-soo to like him but im just like honey.....i see what u were trying to do but that's not how to win someone over XD lol it's like watching a kid try to make cake for his mom but accidentally burns down the kitchen trying lol, (y is that me i'm when im an adult trying to cook lmao)
It’s amazing how many times I’ve reread this just to understand what th...