The more u talk abt this the more it will get found out when ppl search it on google , mind u mgg doesn't show up in google search unless u specifically type it in. Dont use keywords even in comments
Love or Hate. this BL pissed me off so badddd!! i tried to like it
Oh don´t worry, I understand, thats how you were born, not all disabilities can be cured, being you must be horrible
Yeah, I mean it’s just the fiction I read so I didn’t hide it or advertise it. Now whenever my parents or BF ask me what I’m reading and I just give them a look, they’re like “oh, it’s one of your books where the dudes fall in love with eachother, right?” One time my grandmother picked up the TGCF book I was reading and after readin......
Who's yall favorite green flag ?