This shit so toxic that gotta wear a gas mask while reading!
I’ll defs reread this again!
When I first saw her name I misread it for Lesbian and my lesbian brain thought: What a name!! Ever since, I keep reading it as Lesbian and the fan-service w/ the maid isn’t helping XD
How is that man so BUFF & s o f t at the same time?!
IKR??!! He’s like a huge fluff ball
I could do with some fluffy consented sex scenes now that they’re together?!? Just to forget the all the TRAUMATIC shit…yunno??
Hmmmm why does he sound so much like me??
Wow must be nice having that much of confidence!! Can't relate
Yeah, it wasn’t easy building self confidence.. but it’s not impossible!
lol me too, i don't even have that much self confidence but it beats self deprecation xd
That’s the spirit ;)
I need popcorn for this shit!! XD
All the comments about the choreography XD