cus she atleast provided for Shio, and environment-wise, she really was the best choice. Sato didn't neglect and verbally abuse Shio, she made sure that Shio was atleast satisfied with other gifts besides from basic necessities. Most of all, she gave Shio love, all those things, Shio's family nor anyone else ever gave her.
Don't get discouraged :> I read this years before and reread it just now. I still think it's pretty cute. And if you're someone who's into a lot of smut then you'll be pleased hehe. I like this trope of fluffy seme and tsundere uke.
why the fuck did she choose her
cus she atleast provided for Shio, and environment-wise, she really was the best choice. Sato didn't neglect and verbally abuse Shio, she made sure that Shio was atleast satisfied with other gifts besides from basic necessities. Most of all, she gave Shio love, all those things, Shio's family nor anyone else ever gave her.
i think its cuz she kept shio safe and with all she said to the kid it seems shio was willing to do everything to please her, reminds me of grooming