Cookiesn'Cream August 24, 2020 11:29 am

Hello, Im looking for this manga where FL has heart disease where they only have specific heart beat count left and shes been living her life in controlled manner like avoiding exhausting activities or anything that can make her heart beat faster.. and they also have this device that counts heart beat and shows how much heart beat left. Anyway he met this boy at school who lived his life doing what he likes and things that makes him happy.. the girl have known at the end that the boy had the same disease as her but lived his life the way he want anyway, this changed the girls way of life, she died happy. Its so touching her funeral picture smiling and looked like she lived happy life.
Thank you.

Cookiesn'Cream August 15, 2020 7:30 am

So those weebs out here, I was just watching awhileback and suddenly it went out and learned that Kissanime and kissmanga had been taken down by stricker japanese copyright law. Then I remembered my manga babies here in mangago.. I cannot :(((

    Garchifam LoVeR August 15, 2020 7:44 am

    I hope they understand that if they taken down all the illegal websites.... the popularity and supporters will decrease... like... I dunno....89.9%? Of anime supporters r literally teenagers who don’t have money/cash to spend....

    Cookiesn'Cream August 15, 2020 7:55 am

    It says "This site will be closed forever". I can still tolerate it Kisswebsites but this I cannooooot..
    Im still thinking if i should start writing the titles of my ongoing and want to read.. just in case.. I cant imagine seeing blank page here huhuhu

    Friendly Alien Neighbour August 15, 2020 8:04 am

    I think your country currently banned kissanime/kissmanga. I can still access it no problem even without vpn. Use VPN to access those sites.

    Cookiesn'Cream August 15, 2020 8:26 am
    I think your country currently banned kissanime/kissmanga. I can still access it no problem even without vpn. Use VPN to access those sites. Friendly Alien Neighbour


Cookiesn'Cream August 13, 2020 5:11 pm

Looking for yaoi manga leads are neighbors and other one complains bec of sex noise.. then eventually he offered himself to be his sex partner?? not sure if he offered himself lol but they ended up together. They are both students btw..

Cookiesn'Cream April 17, 2020 1:07 pm

Manga where both are partners in like a detective job.. then their business is going bad as they are not getting any clients.. they are both going broke but turns out seme is rich.. then he made a move on his parner(uke) then there comes a misunderstanding etc..

Cookiesn'Cream February 27, 2019 1:23 pm

Looking for this yaoi manga:
.. were in the MC doesn't want to be with straight man but ended up having sex with one and then later on the MC became homeless and ended up living with this straight man. This straight man bas a bar and the MC helps in the bar to pay rent.

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