where will this story lead us?? Will Seungho later on know that he is wrong about Nakyum and say sorry and have happy ever after?? He must be punished for all his shit towards Nakyum!!! I was a little bit sympathetic towards him before cuz I think he went through a lot growing up but this doesn't give him any permission to inflict pain towards others!!! wtf!!!
Looking back the only good thing about him is his face body and d*ck.. I dont know why I have always batted to his side up until now brushing aside the fact that he has shitty personality even FROM THE BEGINNING.
In my opinion, the only happy ever after is when Nakyum leaves his side and be somewhere far living a goodlife.

I can literally feel my heart beating fast while reading this.. It feels like I felt Kirins anxiety while he was looking for his watch and phone.. and when I saw Kang Mo sleeping naked Im so crazy how I assume that he might have done it with the other (pychopath) guy.. theres really a lot on my mind and now Im worried for both of them...
But no matter what. LOVE WINS :)))
Oh nakyum's bangs still intact on his forehead even when laying down upfront.
Anyway finally Seungho being able to think outside his feeling/thought of betrayal.. so what chu gonna do now huh??