Yes I absolutely loooove their story, love the author, so brilliant, love the art. Though it's happy ending, I felt kinda sad to see their kingdom slowly fall apart after their reign.
I was very sad when Rufasa died, though for him it's his greatest honor to die for Yuri.
And I want to see how Ramses took over the throne of Egypt. I love Ramses btw.

I has totally imagining that one of the twins will end up figuring out that the two of them was actually the fated pair. It's just that the one who was able to see the red string can't see who he's string is connected with..
Ugghh I feel empty. Why don't he just tie up the red strings.. I want to get the satisfaction that they will be together until the end..

We cannot control a person, especially if that same person cannot control himself. It's like these people are capable of knowing what's right or wrong but succumb themselves to self reasoning, self justice etc. I mean their relationship is TOXIC, wrong from the very beginning.. I mean I love Yaoi but this is really twisted.. kudos to Harada though I love how she thinks and come up with this extreme stories.
I guess this is an example of love in wrong place and wrong TIME, it appears to me that this should be a love story between Akihiko and Eitarou. They both weren't able to forget(their feelings for) each other despite having their own lovers. It feels like Akihoko loved Ren partly because he looked like Eitarou and Eitarou developed his feelings towards her girl cousin because, like he said, she reminds him of Akihiko.
I'm a bit sad knowing Akihiko and Ren had a happy ending while Eitarou disappeared and stuck time traveling and the author did not gave us the ending knowing if Eitarou succeeded traveling in the future to meet both Akihiko and Ren.