Just how much can somebody know looking at the photo album??

Yes, but I dont think they have met before in either a good or bad way..
Cuz the only way I know it can be connected with the past is through his professor maybe? The only thing I think he'll know through the yearbook is that he's professor and the doctor knows each other and this may lead him to confirm that it was the doctor they was talking about one time when he tag along in a bar.. hmnn..

Actually when they first mentioned they were stocked I immediately thought of the bodyguards for them to send help..
And when Kang moo is stripping I genuinely think that he should really have to change cuz just like Kirin said he might get sick knowing that he came from over night shift then drove back home and everything..
Later I realize, ohhh right.. car sex.
Ok like, Im not complaining tho.
and then followed by the last pannel were he bought the car.. Ok kang moo you really amaze me.. lol
Today I also realized, my mind still have pureness in it after all these yaois and smuts and stuff..
It is just me, that every time I read One day in the upper part of first pannel.. it makes me realize that everything is just a fragment of their memories together, and I dont know but I have this feeling that at the present they already have their separate lives and then it will hit me again that they arent actually real beings :)) and now Im crying.. This happens often to me caused by my love for manga/anime in general.. These characters might be fictional but they give life to me thus they are always special no matter what..
damn I hadn't thought about that.... I guess I trusted they would still be together or something (there was a chapter that was a scene of them together in the future).
But then again, even if they don't end up together I want them to stay close