Hello, Im looking for this manga where FL has heart disease where they only have specific heart beat count left and shes been living her life in controlled manner like avoiding exhausting activities or anything that can make her heart beat faster.. and they also have this device that counts heart beat and shows how much heart beat left. Anyway he met this boy at school who lived his life doing what he likes and things that makes him happy.. the girl have known at the end that the boy had the same disease as her but lived his life the way he want anyway, this changed the girls way of life, she died happy. Its so touching her funeral picture smiling and looked like she lived happy life.
Thank you.
It is just me, that every time I read One day in the upper part of first pannel.. it makes me realize that everything is just a fragment of their memories together, and I dont know but I have this feeling that at the present they already have their separate lives and then it will hit me again that they arent actually real beings :)) and now Im crying.. This happens often to me caused by my love for manga/anime in general.. These characters might be fictional but they give life to me thus they are always special no matter what..
damn I hadn't thought about that.... I guess I trusted they would still be together or something (there was a chapter that was a scene of them together in the future).
But then again, even if they don't end up together I want them to stay close