ive rejoiced every update of this from the past 3 years! i want everyone to read it but I also selfishly want it to stay small..... when the anime comes out I'm sure everyone will love it. and I will be very happy to see the mangaka be so successful!!

i wonder if fumi will be in it? because its based off umibe no etranger. if people have complaints about the character dynamics ill be sad because I think they're so well thought out and realistic!
one of the reasons I find this manga so endearing is the art style so I hope that's translated well in the movie~

i realised the art style had changed but i didnt realise JUST HOW MUCH rereading it doesnt even feel like them. it feels like im reading a totally different manga

if you compare to most recent to like the beginning, their faces got smaller and more baby-ish? I guess that happens to alot of manhwas, personally I liked it a bit more before, they looked more mature :)

i understand moogyoungs feelngs so fucking muuuch. my last girlfriend was "straight" before we started dating and she always said i turned her gay. big ouch. big internalised homophobia. her parents told me i was going to hell for "corrupting" their daughter. i broke up with her because i felt guilty. feels like a similar thought process
sdjfsjksjfkjsf that was so funny i loved it