cringe/embarassment is a social construct created by people to demean others and shackle themselves into insecurity and unnecessary suffering. it is only cringe if you allow it to be cringe. It is only embarassing to see me trip if i decide it must be that way. FREE YOURSELF FROM EMBARRASSMENT .BE CRINGE. BE FREE.
Mewing is the new way for austistics to be nonverbal and looksmaxx while at it.
i always go to this site everyday and got shocked when it said '404 Not Found'
does anyone also have this problem?

Stop going on pornhub, you'll get your entire household hacked by 12 hackers in China and then you'll be judged by your mom, older brother, and the Indian man helping you fix your computer
if you have acne, do NOT pop your pimples. use pimple patches or cream to make them go away. you will get scars and they do not go away no matter how many years pass or how much treatment you use. i learned this the hard way... school is very important, but so is making memories with your friends and having fun before entering adulthood. go out of......
I was 14 it was gross and awkward i didn't even like the person they just kissed me and practically shoved their tongue down my throat. I'm aroace so probably not the best person to describe it but tbh don't care too much about how long it takes for it to happen just wait for the right person it's so much better than forcing it just because you wan......
i could remember how sweet it was, she was my first love, dance, kiss, she was my first in everything. our first kiss is engraved onto my heart, every bits detail, it happened when i confessed to her during a fireworks show, i told her how much i liked her and that i couldn't keep it to myself no more, everyday my feelings for her kept growing. she......
Cringiest thing you've done or seen?