Znakey add 1 photos to Funny Stuff

Fellas is it gay to integrate your energies with ur bro face to face with ur bare bodies

Znakey add 1 photos to Sweet Stuff
Znakey add 1 photos to Sweet Stuff

So cutee

Znakey add 1 photos to Dark Stuff

Casually eyeing his dad’s wife lol

Znakey created a topic of Takatora-kun to Omegatachi

Love Takatora! He’s such a bastard, but I hope things go well for him. If he stayed an alpha I would have cheered for his death too lol
Pity he has an omega fetish, Takatora dominating alphas is hot (▰˘◡˘▰)

Znakey add 1 photos to Woah stuff

The way there’s so much focus on Kai—

Znakey add 1 photos to Funny Stuff

Kai definitely went home and cried

Znakey add 1 photos to Funny Stuff

I get you, Sasa (Kai too)