I am really sad about Noah's situation,but I feel like he wasn't really a nice person. I like the other demons of the castle, but they are also not nice. Even Merlin doesn't give af about anyone. I am so confused! For now , Tina is my favourite character!

You're quite wrong at some parts. Demons are suppose to be evil and humans are suppose to be good but in this webtoon, we can see the different sides of demons, they're not evil or cruel all the times, they have kind will and warm heart too. Both human and demon have some bad people like Cecil in demons and the King in humans so you can't ecpect anyone to be a good guy. And about Merlin, don't you see that he cares for everyone? Not only about their safety but he also cares about their feelings so in my perspective, Merlin is a great person.

Ok , so the reason BJ is trying to break DG's heart is because he unfortunately dated a son of a b*tch who cheated and dumped him . He had his heart broken so he's trying to break DG's heart too? I don't really think he's afraid to be cheated on or something, cause DG probably wouldn't even look at another guy in that way other than him.... Someone explain please!

I don't understand how people are like it's unfair that the vampires and demons aren't punished for killing humans. You do realise that they aren't humans ,right? It's the food chain! Just like us humans eat animals for food (don't scream at me vegans! Cause technically plants are alive too, you are killing them!) , vampires and demons and most supernatural beings need to feed on humans. You need to accept that if they are real , then we wouldn't be the 'highest in food chain' (self proclaimed by us) and treated the same way as we treat animals... But in our second couple, the murders were unreasonable and selfish, same goes for how they treated the vampire (I am just terrible at remembering names) I do feel bad for them but I can't really blame our first couple. It's just like someone said before, "We can't judge them according to human morals"... No offence guys.

I agree.If thought about rationally, the only thing that makes us think we are the highest in the food chain is because we asume we know every other living thing out there. But the truth is far from that. The fact is that we know close to nothing when it comes to this earth or the universe beyond. So, to say that we are the highest in the food chain is but mere foolishness and pride on the part of the humans.

As for the reason why many think it is unfair that the demon and vampires aren't punished, its simple. Majority of humans are self-entitled. Most would assume that right and wrong is black and white but honestly,its one big grey patch. Like you mentioned,we kill animals for food too, thus there is no wrong in others killing us for food. Generally speaking we are all the same, we all kill for food. We are but mere animals down to the core with the exception that we are better with our brains though not the best. I must say, however, in comparison, us humans are far worse than any animal (▰˘◡˘▰)

Do you actually mean that we're killing plants?If you do...I don't even...I can't even...I hope that you're being sarcastic because plants and animals are nowhere near the same.I don't mind that they kill for food but they enjoy it.How can you side with someone who wants humans to suffer and a vampire who has sex and then kills humans?They get pleasure out of it.I don't see how the cop is a bad person.He was righteous and a good man,he went crazy but he was GOOD.

I mean, he still tried to frame the vampire and kidnapped him, but his motivations weren't as sleazy or cruel as the vampire & devils. Mr Detective ended up distraught that Seol-woo was in custody and was forced by the devils to admit to the murders. He couldn't accept this, especially seeing as the suspect he presumed was a "vampire". The detective became fraught and acted in order to defend his man, and because he was scared of losing him. Just as the devil ended up killing the detective to save his own partner. The difference is that the vampire gets a sexual thrill from murdering humans, he has murdered hundreds of them and can't understand why he is feared by humans. The devil seems very resentful of humans, who he views as a lesser, flawed species and also has no remorse for murdering them. Seolwoo's motivations were never really clear, the story was quite vague, but he came from a background where as a child he saw his dad murder his mum, and it was likely that his dad would have killed him too, unless the detective wasn't there to save him. The dad apparently tried to kill the detective and the detective murdered him in self defense (well that's his side of the story), so Seolwoo was already exposed to murder, and invented this metaphor of seeing himself as darkness whereas the detective was his light. I can't really remember all the details, but when Seolwoo was rescued he showed a lot of signs of neglect, and he remembers the detective saying his job was to chase bad guys, so Seolwoo might have wanted his "light" to shine brightly by giving him work chasing those bad guys, by giving him such a big case with all the murders. Bit illogical, but he wasn't a well young man obviously. In the end Seolwoo ended up in prison or a secure hospital, his "light" had been murdered by the devils, and he is alone again. He still was a criminal who killed 10? people, but then again, the vampire was said to kill around 1000 humans over his lifetime, ditto the devil has killed many too, and yet they are afforded a fluffy domestic life, with zero remorse for their victims.

About plants being alive, there are various controversial studies. We don't even know much in detail about plants. But with various experiments, it has been shown that plants also react towards the behaviour of the people around it and the atmosphere. So, although not proved yet, plants might have emotions and can sense pain. We already know that they are alive .
Also, about the vampires and demons enjoying killing, it's just like hunting for humans. Many humans disgustingly (no offence) enjoy hunting animals. And there are psychos out there who bang animals.. It's better in case of stuff like vampires cause humans look similar to them. There are vampires and demons who even fall in love with humans sometimes , but it always ends up tragically due to the lifespan difference.So , probably according to them, human lives are so short and delicate that it doesn't have a value at all. You could say that they shut their heart off towards humans. The vampire uke was young and naive so he expected to be treated normally by humans whereas the demon seme was old enough to realise that humans are just food , nothing more, nothing less.

Seolwoo was already driven crazy by his family situation. He just needs some serious mental help . But killing people just for someone he admires to notice him is selfish.
The cop was a good person. But he was so attached to Seolwoo that he plainly took his anger out on the vampire because he can't convince himself that Seolwoo was a murderer, which unfortunately aren't good traits for a cop. A cop has a duty to do the right thing even if it means sacrificing someone important to him (I know it's sad and cruel, but that's what an actual good cop is)
Remember, as I said earlier, supernatural beings and humans can't be treated with the same logic. So, you need to stop looking through the perspective of a human being while judging a supernatural being. Many humans think the same way as you and this is why they tried to kill them in first place. But you know, it's better if you keep yours beliefs as it is without changing them because if humans don't support humans, then who would.

What we know about plants now is that they don't have any consciousness,they don't have a mind even if they are alive,you can't base a statement on a hypothesis.Let's assume that they are alive it's still not the same,unless you consider killing a cow and a cockroach the same but again that's hypothetical.
As for hunters I think that they're psychopaths and the people who "like to bang" animals are absolutely crazy and disgusting so nothing justifies the vampire.Even if humans and vampires look alike that doesn't mean much,how can you have sex with someone and then kill them?He is not a poor little vampire who can't help it,he very much enjoys is.When the demon drunk his blood he was devastated but later the author tried to make us sympathize with him.I don't really remember but at one point he was whining about how he doesn't have any choice but to eat humans.That doesn't make sense... He was even crying about how humans don't trust him.Im sorry but I don't think orcas cry because seals try to get away from them.If there was more to his backstory maybe I could understand him a bit but still the whole sex before meal is inexcusable.The demon hates humans and it's his job to make them suffer,it was even stated in the manhwa.It is not a matter of survival they just deapise humans so I'm sorry but I'd rather have seen the cop happy (I'm not saying that the kid shouldn't have gone ro prison).

Like I said about plants ,there are various controversial studies , some state that they infact do have emotions, others state that they don't. We don't know much about them. There are so many things still Undiscovered in this world.
And why do you think that killing a cockroach and a cow aren't the same thing? The last time I checked, they both were alive. Or are you judging the value of something's life by it's mass? Or by it's brain development level?
Also, the vampire is naive to expect kindness from humans! When we compare us to them , killing us would be similar to killing mosquitoes or flies for them. Of course they despise humans, even humans despise each other. And I am saying this again, We Can't Judge The Supernatural Beings By Human Morals!

And like I said you can't base a statement on a hypothesis.
As for the cow and cockroach,if you were to choose slaughter a cow or kill a cockroach which one would you choose?Kill a dolphin or a mosquito?Eat a carrot or murder a pig?Come on!I base the value of a being on their capability to feel enotions and their intelligence.
"Of course they despise humans, even humans despise each other" what?Last time I cried was today because 85 people died in my country,people like to say that humans are horrible but we're not,at least not all of us,because I understand that threre are kind people out in the world.I can't justify them being so hateful when they have lived for so long,they were portrayed as immature and bratty if you ask me.The vampire is basically a human that can only feed on blood and can't die.I mean,he has human emotions and appearance so no,killing us is not like killing flies.I don't know how you can be so emotionless,I get that not everyone is vegan but if you feel pleasure when you kill then you're a psychopath.I also don't see why we can't judge them by our morals since we use logic,it's not like I'm saying "How dare he!He is a killer!Unforgivable!" I'm just saying that they have horrible characters since again they get a kick out if it.

You can't just decide the value of the life of a living being, that's a terrible thing to do. Life is life , big or small.And how do you know about the emotional capabilities and intelligence of something? Insects and animals have proved to us that they are way more intelligent than us. If you are judging their value by some assumptions of their IQ level, then you are just like the people who call humans the 'highest in food chain'. Just cause they can't speak our language and have their own ways of doing things doesn't mean that they are any less than us!
You cried for so many people because they are humans like you. Just think about it, if you kill an animal, bird or insect, you are snatching them away from their families too. But you won't have a problem with that, cause humans are naturally self-centred. Every single human has some good and some bad in them. No one is kind, no one is cruel. It's just merely the perspective of a person.
Just appearance doesn't make everything. It's because they have lived so long that they are so hateful towards us. The vampire didn't live as long as the demon so he expected to be treated normally. He's the one who is immature for expecting humans to be nice , cause like you, most people would probably don't like his ways.
I am not being emotionless. If anything, I believe that all life are equal. Animals,birds , insects, plants everything. But I can't just stop eating and die cause I believe that we are cruel to both plants and animals by eating them. I have to accept the fact that we need to kill and eat them for our survival. No life form can defy the food chain. It's just our selfishness but we are programmed in that way. Honestly, if I can live without food , I would just drink water for the rest of my life. Humans have a natural tendency to prioritise their own life over anything else (unless it's your family or something really beloved)
Yes we do use logic, but it's OUR logic. All life forms have their own different logics according to their perspective of life. So , technically, vampires have their own logic where killing humans is ok but killing their own kind is not ok (just like humans)

Excuse me but I'd rather kill nothing.I don't even kill insects but if I were to choose dolphin or worm well it's a pretty obvious decision.If you think that eating onions and killing pigs is the same then you're out of your mind.Sure sure we can't be 100 precent sure but based on what we know it's nowhere near the same.I used to be vegan(I stopped for personal reasons but I really want to try again) so no I have cried about cows,pigs,dogs you name it!Plus that was my reaponse to "Of course they despise humans, even humans despise each other".
"No one is kind no one is cruel" sorry to break it to you but no.There are kind humans and there are evil ones,obviously there is a grey line (Hell!Even my user name is based on that) but black and white do exist.
"I can't just stop eating and die cause I believe that we are cruel to both plants and animals" killing animals and plants is not the same!They are not sentient.
There is no OUR logic there is just logic 1+1=2 no matter what,getting pleasure out of killing is not okay.The vampire lives a human life he isn't different.Honestly at this point I'm tired...

"He's the one who is immature for expecting humans to be nice , cause like you, most people would probably don't like his ways."
I know you were talking to someone else, but if it's okay I'd like to jump in. I think you are underestimating the crimes of the vampire, he "hunts" down humans, albeit primarily for food, and this is motivated by sexual desire too. Regardless, to the human population he is viewed as a mass murder, and a ruthless one at that, leaving behind zero evidence a the corpse turns to ash. So no wonder people fear his species, as vampires, in their eyes are a threat, and even this one example of a vampire has killed nearly 1 thousand humans over the course of his lifetime, and he would continue to kill people unless the devil never drank his blood meaning he is now reliant on him for food. The vampire has no awareness or empathy as to how the human population perceive him. He has murdered so many humans, yet tries to blend in to the human population, originally using this as a means to have sex with humans before killing them. Trying to make the demon characters seem sympathetic or fluffy, just because they are presented as having apparently no autonomy or awareness of their behaviour isn't very fair.

And that is exactly why humans consider themselves 'the highest in food chain'
We often only see our species as the right one. Everyone has their own black and white, you know. Like killing a person on deathbed , abandoning a baby instead of taking it to an abusive home etc would be considered kind by some and not by others. If you think someone is evil,then it's your perspective. But at the same time , the 'evil' person might see you as evil, that's their perspective. The black and white have been mixed up so much that it's totally grey and it's up to the person who sees it to judge what is it.
About food, it's nowhere near the same because you don't really care about plants and insects in the way you care about animals . And it's natural since they can't even try to communicate even if they want to. Atleast animals can show their emotions a bit. But it doesn't mean that it's non-existent.
It's not okay according to us! That's OUR logic. Some animals eat a few of their kids, Carnivores hunt Herbivorous animals, it's THEIR logic. Every species has it's own logic! 1+1=2, but it's something created FOR humans BY humans. If you try to teach maths to a cat then it's just stupid. And no, that doesn't make them dumb. Cause humans need maths, not them.
A vampires lives a human life? He lives pretending to be a human for centuries in order to blend in . And only because that makes it easier to hunt them in first place! If a vampire makes its existence obvious in a modern world like this, then it would only get scientists chasing after it and humans trying to defend themselves , making it harder to hunt. It's not ok for us , but for them, they don't really even care about us.

I am not underestimating it at all. I do realise how extreme that is. I do realise he's a mass murderer,but that's according to us. It's probably totally considered ok among other vampires.Of course humans should be scared of him and try to eliminate him. That's why I said he was naive. He expected humans to be nice to him even though he does that . No one's really sympathizing with them. I am just telling people to look through their perspective, even if it's just for a second.Reading is pointless untill and unless you can put yourself in shoes of the Main character , even if that main character is a psychopathic murderer , a poor old man, a highschool girl in romcom , an animal etc.

I agree!! LMAO!! is this for real? since when did "Human Morals" go along side the so called "Devils Morals"?? last time i check they have their own... I mean Asmodeus is one of the highest ranking demon in the Hell. He'll be probably be happy to kill anyone and seduce anyone in broad daylight to prove to God that humans are weak -think of that part where he killed the detective and smirked.
But this is a fantasy story so we got to love him for being a romantic-handsome AF demon who loves a vampire who have a tasty-AF ass. Morals my foot. Some people should learn to differentiate fiction from real-life I guess.. LMAO!!

I feel the rule of thumb is if you kill other species for your survival and only apply your moral codes to your own species. I would killa cow to eat beef if i needed to. If the cow gained some awareness to kill humans in retaliation, I would still kill cows. I will only apply my "justice" to my own species. So Vampires feed off humans, if humans want to kill them, vampires should be entitled to use their own logic in dealing with them.
The problem with vampire having sex then eating humans is that it's INHUMANE but they are vampires, so their treatment of others should not be judged by what is "humane" and "inhumane" no matter how messed up it is to us. Like certain female bugs eat their male mates, yet the males never stop trying to mate? Because they have bug logic to abide by. Vampires and Devils/demons have their own logic to abide by, we have no right to try and apply our logic to things we cannot understand.
Vampires do vampires, and we do us.

ugh, we humans hunt animals and cage them up for entertainment and the vampires are judged for giving their prey pleasure before feeding on them. Overall i'd say the human race is far worse off. Also, a few points i'd like to share, firstly "plants are not alive", honey trust me they are very much alive. Scientifically we categorize them as living things, as for the conciousness thing i say eh we haven't reached that level of tech to even determine if they do have it so lets just leave that as a possibility. Secondly, not a single living organism gets to decide whether another deserves to die/live, and i mean outside of the kill for survival context. To think you have the "right" to decide if another gets to live simply means you, my dear, has a huge head and an ego to match. Thirdly. "There is no our logic there is only logic" Honey who do you think coined that term? Yep, humans. To put it simply there is no exact "logic" there is only nature. You really think science is definite? Its only an observation on our part babe. Just cos the the earth is currently and usually round doesn't mean it always will be (though good news, its the most effective shape for rotation so the planet probs will be staying round awhile yet yay). At best, scientists can tell you that "yeah usually when we do this that happens" but they can't be sure that thats what will ALWAYS happen. Also, hmm i wonder who thought up "black white and grey" ? Oh hey, TADAA~ its us humans again. Right wrong black white grey are all just a matter of perspective. Just because you think its black/wrong pretty much never means the one who did that "black/wrong" sees it the same way. They probably saw it in a way that made they thought it was their only option or that it was somehow okay. Pfft, humans, we think we know everything when in fact we know pretty much nothing at all. Such big heads we all have, thinking things like "our planet earth" ehehehe. Also, bruh, " we shouldn't eat meat cos its cruel" is such an egoistic excuse. Theres a certain balance this planet works to uphold and trying to upset that balance so you can satiate your need for self-absorbence and self-satisfaction is really just psh, lame. We could afford to eat less meat cos A) we really don't need that much B) More of us be getting fatasses C) Commercialization of meat has produced more than we could ever need AND is affecting this planet we happen to live on in a pretty darn bad way. (Yo, no planet we be dropping like poop down the toilet drain, lets try to stay alive eh)
In the end the most important hing is balance, baby (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ MUACK

HEH HEH HEH "how can you side with someone who wants humans to suffer" the fella says, ehehehehehehe and we are supposed to be the smartest ehehehehe, thats what we are doing right now in our every day lives~ corporations be selling stuff to fellow humans with harmful effects to their bodies without even blinking~ We be making daily decisions so we can live easier at the expense of others~ All~for~that~piece~of~paper~with the darling benjamin or whomevers on your currency~."But he was GOOD" ehehehe, he tortured another living organism out of hatred, i see i see, so thats whats considered "good" to you~ The sooner you are able to toss all those ideas of right wrong good bad black white grey outta your mind, you might just become less blind~ Right now a ground mole probably sees better than ya and the fellas almost practically a true blind EHEHE

One fact has been proven, though. In order for a living thing to perceive light (photosynthesis, photosensitivity), a central nervous system is required. It may not be complex, but plants, algae and single cell organisms have them. It is a simple pathway contained in each cell where information is transmitted. That then begs the question, "Exactly what kind of information do they transmit?" Can they sense temperature (yes), feel touch (yes - there are flowers that close and curl up tight when touched by insects or passing animals to protect the seeds inside), feel pain? Emotion requires a much more complex system. So, fear may be a stretch, but it isn't impossible. What we think of as emotion is only our interpretation of electrical and chemical changes in our brain and we tend to think that only those changes cause emotion. When, in fact, for plants it may be entirely different signals and chemical changes. Corn and rice my be just as aware of physical contact as a cow or a dog. And they may also comprehend injury. I mean, when the bark of a tree is lacerated, the CNS of the tree sends thicker sap to that area to close the "wound" and protect the area just like the human body sends platelettes to form a scab on a cut. We know some of the information that these cells transmit, but not all of it. Not yet, anyway.
I never really expected that jerk Skyler to be SO DAMN. ADORABLE!
Fine, I will let you have our cinnamon roll! You better treat him like a queen.
P.S. I am saying this because I hated Skyler before.