The manga centers on homicide detective Hiroki Dan, the son of a former police superintendent genera...
- Author: Koga kei,Izawa ryo
- Genres: Psychological / horror / mystery
A story of a popular and kind perfect police officer.. or that's what people think. He actually is a serial killer who kills his victims for the justice of this world. He is a "hero." Watch our MC take well deserved revenge on terrible people in this psychological black and white and gorgeous art and characters manga! (Completed Reading)
BASED ON THE HIT NOVEL ON TAPAS!King Grey has unrivaled strength, wealth, and prestige in a world go...
- Author: Turtleme,Fuyuki23
- Genres: Webtoons / Adventure / Fantasy / action / romance
To be honest the story is really good but the plot starts to get really boring towards the middle which is why I put this story on hold. The MC, a former king that had reincarnated is pretty relatable at times and funny, cute scenes with his familiar as well. The female lead is annoying AS SHIT in my opinion ngl. Art is absolutely jaw dropping too though, one of the reasons I kept reading. Overall a 3 star story. (On hold)
10 years ago, after “the Gate” that connected the real world with the monster world open...
- Author: Jang Sung-Lak,Gee So-Lyung
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Webtoons
One of the most popular isekai and dungeon manhwa you'll ever read. It had our overpowered MC who slowly starts to become stronger and stronger. It has development in not only his strength but dungeons and lore start getting deeper into the rabbit hole as well. Honestly very well worth it, but I got to say the end felt way too rushed for my liking!
The Nagare family had a happy home with three parents and three children. However, their son Kiritak...
- Author: Kazuki , カズキ,Kamejima Junto
- Genres: Psychological / Drama / School Life / Tragedy
Honestly the scenes in this really show how bad life is. And it is very heavily triggering so please READ THIS AS YOUR OWN RISK!! It has depictions of sexual assault/hardcore bullying/etc. Wonderful story and satisfying revenge, plus gorgeous art! A mother who takes revenge on her son's bullies. A motherly love that goes so far.
A super cute and light hearted story. (With even your erotica scenes) An average boy meets an alien prince from another planet and has to teach him about the Earth.. but how does teaching him about Earth end up with him helping our MC to please himself?! Stay tuned for more updates! >_<