I can’t help but not find Silas attractive. He just feels pretentious, not really that hot and kind of an ass to me. He pisses me off quite a bit, despite knowing what the author was going for. I hope mc ends up with someone else, but since it’s the two of them on the cover I doubt it’ll end that way.

The art is really nice, and the werewolf is super cute :3
But the vet creeps me out. The way he thinks of (and treats) the werewolf guy as a dog just makes me really uncomfortable.
Like, I’ve read stories where they refer to puppy/cat like people that way as a cute nickname, but because here they barely know each other and the (werewolf/still human) guy doesn’t like being referred to like that but the vet continues + his attraction to dog like characteristics (and people that aren’t just puppy like, but literally look like dogs) it just kinda rubs me the wrong way.

Thanks for the update, I occasionally come to check on this manga and I’ve started to give up on there being on update, so this was a nice surprise :)
This is such a green manga, wish I could buy an English physical copy if it existed lol
I even took up skating because of this (even standing on it with both feet was hard so I gave up after a month, maybe I’ll try again)
Does anyone know the author/artist’s socials? I left this to marinate a couple years ago, but now that it’s finished I want to reread, but I don’t want an open/sad ending ╥﹏╥ Someone commented that they likely do end up together since the author posted art of them like that, so I just need to convince myself that that art is the real ending of the story.