I prefer heeseop, he genuinely seems to care about spending time together with jahan instead of the other one who just thinks about sex 24/7. Also of course he favors heeseop more? Heeseop showed from the start he likes jahan and is willing to just stay by his side and not force him to do anything unlike the other, his trauma is still deeply rooted within him as he has never truly confronted it. Stop being a dumbass
CAN YOU ALL STFU! HES A DESPERATE AS BITCH WHATD YOU EXPECT HES INSANE I DONT KNOW HOW YOU EXPECTED TO HIM TO ACT. He was obsessed in the beginning and you expect him to be normal in the end stop reading shit you can’t understand he’s fucked in the head for raping him he been fucked ip in the head, y’all just can’t comprehend shit