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Unstable/possessive/obsessive/yandere bl (173) 2024-06-14 2
Sob stories like wtf ( mostly bl )(23) 2024-05-30 0

Ray's topics ( All 31 )

Ray May 30, 2024 10:11 am

I feel a bit bad for the high priest even though I shouldn’t, I can understand his obsession with a person he is reminded of. I am glad Eros got her happy ending with her night, it’s actually the first story I read that actually made sense! The characters traumas and actions all make sense, although I still strongly dislike everyone in the imperial family except the empress. Beautiful story I cried so hard, the knight is me and I am him ong

Ray May 29, 2024 12:28 am

This is starting to piss me off holy shit, I’m going to kill everyone in this prison except white haired guy and mc. Yes white hair guy is a bit ehhh as well but he also has sanity and understanding of basic human decency UNLIKE THE OTHER ONE!! I don’t have two shits about his past, since the beginning he is a piece of shit grapist and even if he wasn’t a grapist he manipulates the prisoners to do horrible things as well which is just as bad. He genuinely makes me sick, idgaf if you like him if you do get your head checked out. the fact is I see nobody talking about how disgusting it is, “oh but he dosent try to fight back” hoe he did in the past until he realized there is no use unless he wants to be forced and BEATEN. Shut uppp please for god sakes

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I’m gay, he/him
Scene kid twink!!! (Me)
 crazy men 
I love batman, I AM BATMAN.
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