no cuz I was BAWLING reading that chapter and then you say it's a "penalty"
i feel so betrayed and played with????
helpp lmao I'm happy for the main couple nonetheless.
Also the game developing and just all of it reminded me of Semantic error and then i cried again cuz its been a while since it ended
This was a pretty good read. Although the art and dialogues could've been better, the flow of the story was really good.
Minjae to an extent deserves to be hated. Now I know he had trauma and all but Lee Sunho also went through the same trauma in a way, which shows that if Minjae wanted to, he could have not chose to do what he did with the father's son, he could've chosen to be a better person the same way Lee Sunho was. There aren't any specific panels justifying my point of Lee Sunho being a good person in his school life but it can definitely be assumed from the parts where he tried to help Minjae when the orphanage director harassed him, or when he tried to ask for help from Minjae. now you might ask what is the connection between asking for help and being good, well if you think about it, asking for help shows that Lee Sunho didn't want to be in the position he was in, he wanted way out. But in case of Minjae, rather than asking a trusted adult for a way out, he poured out his anger and frustration by making the father's son suffer.
Minjae was selfish throughout the story so it feels a bit weird for him to be so self sacrificing only for the sake of his father's revenge. Why does he care about the revenge? He never cared about killing the boy. All he cared about was his father so why at the end, he wants to redeem himself for the sake of his father?
I know there are no logical replies to these questions because emotions and logics can't be weighed the same, hence it makes this story realistic.
The characters are written really well when it makes the readers hate Minjae despite knowing about his own trauma. It puts the readers in a dilemma.
that aside I'm so grateful this got uploaded, cured my blue balls ( ◜‿◝ )♡
Also the art got even more better?????? The light and shadows are so ethereal and detailed!! hell they even colored a strip of rainbow like that is the level of perfectionjust check out chp 35 panel 42, you'll get what i mean.
i love the artist so much, i wanna lick their hands
Idk what to say about the first couple honestly, the concept was good but 30 chapters weren't enough, it felt like the author wanted to make the story deep but adding so much smut, ending each chapter abruptly, not describing inner thoughts of both of them as detailed and varied? As in all the bottom kept saying throughout the whole story was that he has nightmares and that he loves hyung like come on give him some more personality, thoughts?! Anything, but no!! He keeps repeating the same shit and it adds nothing to the story. Anyways all of these stuff made the story shallow and confusing. Its like the author wanted us the read between the lines but rather than lines there were just few words thrown together, not sure if it makes sense but yeah.
I absolutely enjoyed the second couple's story and it was just perfectly cute over all, 10/10 for them <33
Overall story isn't really worth the read cuz you keep expecting a climax but there really isn't one that's shocking enough considering the heavy plot, its just a reused shock factor and there's nothing new.
I will say tho, there was one good connecting the dots moment, which was when at the start of the story we see the top killing a butterfly in his hands and the bottom is disgusted by it but at the end, we see something similar happen (won't spoil it), so that was interesting.
I'm just glad the writer is aware that this isn't upto par and that they could've done better, too bad their contract or whatever held them back.
Just the fact that the writer wanted it to have a happy ending is enough for me to accept that Jaekyung had a happy ending regardless of what was shown in the last chapter.
The concept was really nice but 31 chapters aren't enough to cover all of it, the writer themselves knew it was rushed, which honestly surprised me, for them to accept that, i mean writers are usually self depreciating in author's note but for them to be aware of their work's exact short comings is a bit surprising. Its good but i hope they aren't too critical of themselves cause at the end of the day, they had the courage to create a story and express and be a voice for so many students out there.
I'm babbling bullshit probably but that's cause I'm too much in my feels cause the story felt relatable.
wouldn't say worth the read tho cause it leaves you feeling unsatisfied and I'm not even talking about the ending but the various plot holes.
┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌
how do I even begin writing down my review on this when I'm so overwhelmed with my joy of having read this beautiful story!!! T^T
I swear to god, bwat never misses. This is the second story I read of theirs and it's even better than the last one. It shows their writing as well as art development.
From the character designs, to the smut, to the plot, to the dialogues, all of it was absolutely interesting and incredible.
My favourite part about this story was the connecting the dots element, from the nesting thing being mentioned and then shown, to having made the youngest prince, Alberon, the King. It all fit well.
I absolutely wish it was longer, as a lot of things simply served as MacGuffin, like the relationship of Theo and Seth's mother, the relationship of Agrish and his beloved, the relationship of Alberon and Frera, what happened with Ross Vadez (Frera's younger brother)? What did they mean by the dragon nourishing? Like what happened during the climax, how did Seth's guardian spirits come back? How did he turn back into a human when it seemed like he wasn't gonna make it? Why was Sir Calion obsessed with Theo? What was their childhood like?
I hope some of these, if not all the questions are answered in the side story.
Also AGRISH!!!!! THE REAL MVP!!!! (●♡∀♡)
anyways, would absolutely recommend reading!
In my next life, I hope to either become a snailfish or a boy.
Just to see what it's like.
I am currently writing jingluo fanfiction that makes me cry so hard because I already know the end and it's not good.
more socially awkward semes please!!
Their relationship dynamic was cute and funny, and they talked about stocks!! (つ≧▽≦)つ
It was so cute!! The pacing was nice and their personalities were well written too!
In another life, I hope I'll be a student in Japan, experiencing the highschool sweethearts life.