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Dae created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

“Even if you keep running, I’ll chase you until the very end”

Love how in every other scenario I can think of (including this one, from and outsiders perspective) those words are basically a threat. But right now it’s probably exactly what Seyoung needed to hear

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Dae created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

The grip heejae had on seyoung’s arm reminds me of the grip that someone who had siblings growing up has on their food

Dae asked a question

Any BL manhwa/webtoons with boyfailure MLs like Netkama Punch or My Guildmate Next Door? I love losers with an ego lol

Dae created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Heejae is actually terminally delusional because how under heavens name can he receive a text like that and believe that he has a chance

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Dae created a topic of Jinx

First time I’m siding with a gangster. Like yeah maybe you *should* kill him

Dae created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Bro had post stalk clarity for just a second and lost his mind again the moment he saw Seyeong’s face and you’re telling me he thinks he’s capable of leading him on

Dae created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

Losing my mind how this implies that he followed him home to find his address TToTT
Even worse that he came back later on a stake out in his car

It’s okay Heejae I knew you were a nutjob from the beginning. Instead on stalking I’ll call this pursing love since our seyoung needed the company anyways

Dae created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

He is so whipped and it’s so so cute

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Dae created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

People saying ML is stupid for not seeing something’s off/not realising his feelings but this is exactly what happens when you have a high IQ and a negative EQ

Dae like topic of Netkama Punch!!!

IVE READ THE RAWS AND IM STUDYING KOREAN PLEASEEE the next eight chapters are going to be a flashback from when sesam first joined heejae’s guild and how over time he fell in love w seyeong at first he approached and kept sticking to him because he was frustrated and annoyed that seyeong was nice to all the other guild members except him, but iirc around the time he got sick before seyeong called the ambulance for him, he started like blushing and kicking his legs and gradually realising he’s in love w him…

+ 42 shows when heejae was abandoned as a child so that’s probably partly why he flipped out so bad when sesam suddenly left even tho he’s still lwk crazy for that… guy has a fear of abandonment

& honestly from the raws i dont think heejae is really the type to lock seyeong up like everyone’s saying, so far he hasn’t done anything crazy like that this guy is honestly pathetic in a loving loser way

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Dae created a topic of Limited Run

Yeonho is just hurting himself by doing this, it’s a little sad to see. I want ML to suffer but not at yeonho’s expense. Hope he just cuts off contact with him so we can see ML in his pathetic arc as he gets what he deserves