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blacksheep's message board ( All 1 )

blacksheep May 8, 2020 5:21 am

Yooo. Okay so umm i sorta need help finding this black and white yaoi manga I read once. I don't remember it's name but it has a teacher-student pairing. It has some supernatural elements to it like the teacher is I guess the reincarnation of a God. And there were twin gods. I think gods of marriage or something like that?? Oh and like students were disappearing from the school and ending up dead. I remember the last chapter I read had something to do with a past student and her brother. Like I said, I read it a long time ago, way before I knew how to save to my reading list. Please help me find this. It'll be very helpful of you. Sankyuuuuu!!, ♡´・ᴗ・`♡