Im not sure which chapter am I on because of the double chapters but so far so good? I saw a comment saying that they stopped at chp5 because they couldnt get into it, i kinda understand, the plot just started to build and instead of info dumping, its slowly revealing stuff. I think it’s kinda interesting— at least for now, there seemed to be more about the grimoire than what we can see? I like the dark past of his, it’s fascinating, instead of the adventure-like manhwa I read, they tend to focus on the strength of the mc or the good things about magic instead of the darker side. I like the grimoire guy more than riley. Especially when sometimes he goes into "dark mode" like saying things without caring other people's opinion, but frankly, the chapter where he helped olivia in reciting the ancient magic made him look like a cult leader which fascinates me alot like, woah, the light from the flames, his golden eyes shining as the light embraces him like some holy magic, so pretty ya know?
so im a little confused like whose the mc? Dual mc? Ah, i dont want answers btw, so don't bother trying to tell me or fight me, im just expressing my opinion on this manhwa. But im excited to see where this goes! (=・ω・=) I hope it doesnt end weirdly, like tell us an impactful reason why u stayed as a book, or why u want immortality? Is it a requirement to turn you into a human? Uwieee how exciting

Sorry for me, the front few chapters was interesting and then I got bored. As per someone commented, this is basically a childhood friends turn lover short story. For some reason I got pissed off while halfway, esp the part where dude told her NOT to help others guide and she just nods off and went to help others. I KNOW its plot but Im just sad because I like guideverse alot, its rare to find them, and this is BG too, so maybe my expectations were too high. The ending is a happy one was the only saving grace besides the pretty art. ╥﹏╥

This doom yaoi. The promo got my heart so I dived into the novel. The starting of the novel is like super chill, slow burn if you will, AND THEN THE FURTHER IT PROGRESS IT WILL MAKE YOU RIP YOUR HAIR!
Spoilers: Time travel here hurts like a bitch because its not the first time. Like the plot gets heavier everything make sense, I hate how you need to pay attention to EVERY SINGLE thing. <Spoiler>The watch. Hyung. His name.</spoiler> fuck and the worst thing is the novel is still on going...its good like for me its srs 100 points i cry, doom yaoi it hurts...

this nosebleed! Hes dying most prob becz hes with the dead for so long? Gosh pls let them be together even if they both die but why do i feel like haruna would show up and say "yeah real angel is me btw" becz of the manga title maybe? Also its my own speculation idk id patiently await for chp4... *Sob*

The plot's very straightforward and smooth, it doesn't run away or repeat itself to lengthen it. The ending, frankly, I wish there was more, but it already seemed to have solve most of our questions, only leaving a bit of regrets. Truthfull, I like this kind of ending, the real ending, no lingering of anything that more fabricants remained you know? It's his 18th birthday, he's alive and living.
I may be a bit rash, but OFF WITH HIS HEAD. Im sorry i just dont like the silver haired dude at first glance. (=・ω・=)