??? Bitch there’s no way he survived that fall, author is winging it atp
“Adorable baby brother” never thought I would hear that from someone as they’re balls deep into someone else tbh.
Soo-young is COOKED he is not getting himself away from this clearly pyscho mofo
Wooyeon is a very interesting character, I mean I hate him but I still don’t really understand him
I know he just got abducted but can we talk about how euihyun reacted to her pheromones? Is the author like making it evident that he’s pregnant or what
If this turns into a love jinx type of haitus KNOW I JUMPED
Idk why this story been getting hate recently but I loved it.. maybe I just have poor taste?
Next week is the finale nooo I’ll miss Shinwoo and Han
Love how euihyun is starting to return taeju’s affections