As an aquatic ecologist, I'm appalled they just threw all those drugs into the aquatic ecosystem.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of 19 Days

Looks like his neck has finally healed up, thank goodness.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of High Clear

Those are some amazing congratulatory messages!! I still say this one has one of the best first halves I have ever read. I was hooked on the art and humor immediately. I did get a little bit frustrated like two thirds in, but definitely still enjoyed it over all. Doesn't hurt that I love beefy boys...

Peltoperlidae created a topic of Backlight

Mental stability is not blondie's friend.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of Naka Made Aishite

I know i'm not the first to say it, but the chapters for vol 2 ch 4 are so out of order.

The ending of this had absolutely nothing to do with the bulk of the story, let alone the beginning.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of Sketch

Wow, that was a pretty crappy way to do that. I feel like he could have just rejected him without lying and trying to trick blondie, scum that he is. Weird waste of time.

This chapter hurt my heart. I need them to just separate forever.

What even was the dialogue in the beginning and end of this chapter?! I am ready to move on from asshat purple guy.

Dude in the background is just casually making apple swans.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of 2020

I am not usually one to take screenshots, but there were some works of art in the latest chapter.

I love this story, but I think it's really ironic that the last line is about discussing love when one of them still never says half of what they're thinking.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of Comes In Threes

That was a very well done, emotional chapter. Especially for a story where pretty much everybody sucks and we were questioning what kind of thoughts he had for his brother.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of Sugar Rain

I'm sorry, sir, who is the immature one? Hmm?

Peltoperlidae created a topic of Yoake no Uta

The numbering has me confused. Is there not a volume three? Where does one even start?

Peltoperlidae created a topic of Peach Boy (Yooyoung)

Still not completely following and I can't decide if it's the story or the translation or both. But I absolutely love the title screens every chapter.

Well, that took a turn that I wasn't expecting, nor do I appreciate. What the heck is even going on? I did not think the prince was that brand of psychotic.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of Reunion

Thank you for your service in putting the mature chapter in where it goes!

Peltoperlidae created a topic of No Reason