Peltoperlidae created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Well this just perpetuates every stupid myth about incidental arousal during rape. What a jackass. So infuriating and should be irredeemable.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of Work Love Balance

These comments are terrifying me. On and off was one of the very first that I bought in print. I only learned about the sequel today. And now I am nervous, reading your comments.

I have to admit, this was more the story I thought we were going to get way back in the beginning, before we realized both guys were complete assholes. I thought it was going to be a mated couple on the rocks who picked up a beta for a third in the relationship.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of New Antique Partner

Yeah, that deserves a conversation. That is a pretty big question to not match on. Why did the system even match them?

Peltoperlidae created a topic of ARTS MANZ

What a waste of pretty drawn penises. I am just so pissed off now. This dude is irredeemable in my eyes. There is no way I would give him another chance. What a PoS.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of 2020

How disappointing. This was a current favorite of mine.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of Unfinished Business

So you are telling me that there's absolutely nothing he can think of to say that will prove who he is? No shared memories whatsoever? Such crap.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Seriously? Apologize and then immediately do it again? Wow. Done, man.
┗( T﹏T )┛

Peltoperlidae created a topic of SaYe

Gah! I love this chapter!

Peltoperlidae created a topic of 2020

It is about time he is nice to his granny.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of Love Me Divinely

Pinky either needs to start offering alternative solutions or shut up.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of Love Jinx

It ending. I had not heard about the author though, so I will not say all the original thoughts that ran through my head and be glad we got something.

"The reason I didn't tell you is because i'm trying to control every little aspect of your life without even your input!"

The two uploads with two different numbering systems are confusing as hell. Can someone please confirm how many episodes the officials are behind the unofficials?

Peltoperlidae created a topic of Shining Summer

I have no idea what was actually said or happened in chapter eighty five

Let the man have a life outside of you, geez.

Peltoperlidae created a topic of SaYe
Peltoperlidae created a topic of SaYe

Is the order messed up on chapter sixty five? Or am I missing something?