i am pretty much happy that go siwon and the seme have their love fulfilled.......but dont you think its a bit sad for the red haired guy? (i forgot his name...sorry :p ) ......i want him to meet his fated partner as well!!!.....please show him some love as well!!!.....it ended pretty sad for the red haired guy!!..i cant accept it!!! (︶︿︶)=凸

I don't know if I should be happy with this chapter or not......now that I think about it....this schpter is full of twists and turns!....I wonder when will Kang jinha and siwon would be together???...and I wonder when will Lu finds his true love and stop messing with people again?........and I don't know what to do!...... when's the last time was I happy in any chapter in this manhwa..????......I freaking don't remember!.....l think we just have to be patient and wait for the final blow!!!!!!!............argh!....I am confused!!!!!!!.......
i am pretty much happy that go siwon and the seme have their love fulfilled.......but dont you think its a bit sad for the red haired guy? (i forgot his name...sorry :p ) ......i want him to meet his fated partner as well!!!.....please show him some love as well!!!.....it ended pretty sad for the red haired guy!!..i cant accept it!!! (︶︿︶)=凸
Truuueee. Ginger dong needs love too!